África, SinglesReturning Home from WarVincent Haiges, Real 21 / WORLD PRESS PHOTO.África, StoriesValim-babenaLee-Ann Olwage / WORLD PRESS PHOTOÁfrica, Long-Term ProjectsThe EscapeZIED BEN ROMDHANE/MAGNUM PHOTO / WORLD PRESS PHOTOÁfrica, Open FormatFotograma de 'Adrift'Felipe Dana y Renata Brito, Associated Press / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAsia, SinglesA Palestinian Woman Embraces the Body of Her Niece.MOHAMMED SALEM, REUTERS / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAsia, StoriesAfghanistan on the EdgeEbrahim Noroozi, Associated Press / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAsia, Long-Term ProjectsI Am Still With YouWang Naigong / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAsia, Open FormatFotograma de 'Heartstrings'Kazuhiko Matsumura_for The Kyoto Shimbun / WORLD PRESS PHOTOEuropa, SinglesA Father’s PainADEM ALTAN, FRANCE PRESSE / WORLD PRESS PHOTOEuropa, StoriesKakhovka Dam: Flood in a War Zone
Ein überfluteter Vorgarten auf der Insel.Johanna Maria Fritz / WORLD PRESS PHOTOEuropa, Long-Term ProjectsNo Man’s LandDaniel Chatard / WORLD PRESS PHOTOEuropa, Open FormatFotograma de 'War Is Personal'.Julia Kochetova / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAmérica del Norte y central, SinglesA Day in the Life of a Quebec Fire CrewCharles-Frederick OuelletAmérica del Norte y central, StoriesSaving the MonarchsJaime Rojo / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAmérica del Norte y central, Long-Term ProjectsThe Two WallsAlejandro Cegarra / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAmérica del Norte y central, Open FormatFotograma de 'The Gay Space Agency'Mackenzie Calle / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAmérica del Sur, SinglesDrought in the AmazonLalo de Almeida / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAmérica del Sur, StoriesRed Skies, Green WatersAdriana Loureiro Fernandez / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAmérica del Sur, Long-Term ProjectsMapuche: The Return of the Ancient VoicesPablo E. Piovano / WORLD PRESS PHOTOAmérica del Sur, Open FormatSilenced CrimesMarco Garro / WORLD PRESS PHOTOSureste asiático y Oceanía, SinglesFighting, Not SinkingEddie Jim / WORLD PRESS PHOTOSureste asiático y Oceanía, StoriesBattle for SovereigntyMichael Varcas / WORLD PRESS PHOTOSureste asiático y Oceanía, Long-Term ProjectsRevolution in MyanmarTa Mwe, Sacca Photo, VII Foundation, Frontline Club, W. Eugene Smith Grant / WORLD PRESS PHOTOSudeste asiático y Oceanía, Open FormatFotograma de 'A Lost Place'Aletheia Casey / WORLD PRESS PHOTO