Convocaba la Confederación Europa de Sindicatos (CES) en distintos países, y con distintas fórmulas. Este ha sido el panorama de un 14N de movilizaciones y protesta social contra la austeridad en toda Europa:
Seguimiento masivo de la huelga general, la más importante en democracia según los convocantes, que aseguran que fue masiva en la industria, el transporte y los servicios. La compañía aérea TAP había anulado cerca de 200 vuelos.
Como es tradicional, el Gobierno del primer ministro conservador Pedro Passos Coelho no ha facilitado datos sobre la incidencia de la huelga, la tercera en un año. Pero los portugueses sí han conocido hoy la nueva caída de su PIB en el tercer trimestre: un 3,4 % en relación con septiembre de 2011, mientras que el desempleo subió en el mismo periodo al 15,8 %, lo que confirma la profundidad de la recesión.
Convocada por el sindicato mayoritario, la Confederación General Italiana del Trabajo (CGIL), decenas de miles de trabajadores han salido a las calles en más de cien manifestaciones: a ellos se les han sumado los estudiantes, que protestaban por los recortes en educación. En Roma, Milán y Turín hubo enfrentamientos fuertes con la policía que han dejado heridos leves. Los paros, de cuatro horas, han afectado al transporte ferroviario y naval.
Seguimiento mayoritario de la huelga de tres horas, de 10:00 a 13:00. En Atenas, unas 5.000 personas (datos de la policía) han participado en una marcha contra las políticas de austeridad, según informa EFE.
Huelgas sectoriales convocadas en metal y transporte en Valonia y generales territoriales en las regiones de Lieja y Centro. Parecen extenderse espontáneamente al transporte y otros sectores en otras regiones de Bélgica. Convocadas concentraciones, por la CES y los sindicatos belgas, en Bruselas de más de 1.500 personas ante la sede de la Comisión y las embajadas de Alemania, España, Grecia, Portugal, Irlanda y Chipre. Entrega de escritos de protesta contra las políticas de austeridad y recortes sociales y laborales y por un nuevo contrato social europeo. Concentraciones y manifestaciones en otras ciudades.
En Alemania, donde están prohibidas las huelgas generales, había convocatoria de manifestaciones en todas las capitales de los ‘Länder’. Protesta sindical en Berlín, ante la puerta de Brandeburgo, con dos mil manifestantes, en solidaridad con las huelgas en el sur de Europa. Asambleas en las grandes empresas. La canciller Angela Merkel recordó que "el derecho a la huelga se da por consabido" en democracia, para luego añadir que la obligación de los gobiernos es "hacer lo debido" para atajar la persistente crisis de la deuda en la zona euro, lo que implica aplicar "duras medidas y recortes" al gasto público. Palabras durante una comparecencia con su homólogo polaco, Donald Tusk, recogidas por EFE.
En Francia no había convocada huelga ni paros, pero sí más de 130 manifestaciones convocadas en toda Francia. Cinco centrales (CGT, CFDT, UNAS, FSU y Solidaires) organizaron una manifestación conjunta en París, la primera desde que François Hollande asumiera el cargo de presidente en mayo. En un manifiesto conjunto, las cinco centrales sindicales francesas expresan su “firme oposición a estas medidas de austeridad que están hundiendo a Europa en una estagnación y recesión económica” y que “amenazan el modelo social europeo”.
Hay convocadas manifestaciones en las principales ciudades
América Latina
Convocadas por la Confederación Sindical de las Américas (CSA), se van a producir concentraciones ante las embajadas de España, Grecia, Italia y Portugal de las principales capitales latinoamericanas de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Perú, Uruguay…
Resto del Mundo
Siguiendo el llamamiento de la CSI, se están recibiendo mensajes de solidaridad de sindicatos de otros 60 países. Están enviando mensajes al Presidente del Gobierno, Mariano Rajoy y a los presidentes del Consejo y la Comisión de la UE.
Anti Austerity Protests
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Riot policemen march in front of demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Thousands of people took to the streets of major cities including Mil...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators throw projectiles to riot policemen during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wedn...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Demonstrators throw projectiles to riot policemen during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wedn...
Rio policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
A protestor shouts as a couple eat inside a open restaurant during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to p...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Riot policemen march in front of demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Thousands of people took to the streets of major cities including Mil...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Demonstrators shout against police after they are blocked near Gran Via street during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being obser...
Riot police arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ene...
Protesters chant slogans during a union protest in Thessaloniki, Greece, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spending cuts Wednesday with a stri...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Demonstrators clash with policemen in riot gear during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and...
Demonstrators clash with policemen in riot gear during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and...
Worker holds placards reading " , We are all Greek, enough austerity" , during a demonstration against austerity, in Marseille, southern France, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. With rampant unemployment spreading misery in southern Europe and companie...
French people living in Greece shout slogans and hold a banner that reads in Greek and French: ''France Wake Up'' outside the Greek parliament during a protest in Athens, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to pres...
Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government...
A protestor lies on the ground during clashes with riot police in a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all wo...
A man kneels down handcuffed next to police vans after being detained by the police during a general strike in Madrid, Wednesday Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for mino...
A police officer, right, is helped by a colleague after getting hurt during a general strike in Madrid, Wednesday Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for minor injuries in d...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Construction work continues as protesters take part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being trade union members, in London, Wednesday, Nov. 1...
Protesters block traffic on one side of Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being trade union members...
A bus passes as protesters block traffic on one side of Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being tra...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police riots apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile,...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Police riots arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed au...
Police riots arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed au...
Spanish riot policemen stand in a line against the window of a bank during a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have be...
A Spanish riot police officer stands beside posters that read: "14 November, General Strike" calling for a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry o...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Riot police arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed aus...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Demonstrators place stickers on a window at shopping centre calling to general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arr...
Spanish riot police stands in front of a public bus during a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and ...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
Two workers' union members man a piquet at the gate of a garbage processing plant in Lisbon Wednesday night, Nov. 13 2012, at the start of a general strike in Portugal. Workers' unions called a general strike for Nov. 14 to protest the governmen...
Protesters block the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
A protester paints a graffiti to a truck reading "14 Strike" at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general ...
Protesters block the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
A protester throws a stone to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with...
Protesters throw stones to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with si...
A protester throws a stone to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with...
A protester shouts slogans in front of an open shop as police stand guard during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal an...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
A protester shouts slogans during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed austeri...
Protesters shout slogans in front of an open shop as police stand guard during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and ...
A protester marches with his face covered with flyers reading "They leave us without future, Nov. 14 general strike" during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding...
Protesters shout slogans during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed austerity...
Policemen guard a Bankia bank with a graffiti reading ''Assassins" during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greec...
A policeman guards an H&M shop with a graffiti on its front window reading: "Nov. 14 strike" as a man passes by during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with...
A riot policeman stands guard in front of a bank during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest gove...
Protestors shout slogans to stop the buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar w...
Protestors try to stop buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
Protestors try to stop buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
Demonstrators march to the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes dra...
Demonstrators march to the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes dra...
Protesters demonstrate outside the Greek parliament against the new austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes...
The Greek Parliament is seen through a banner during demonstration against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that ...
Demonstrators stand outside the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that include...
Demonstrators stand outside the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that include...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
An anti-austerity protester wearing a pig mask takes part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portuga...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
Anti-austerity protesters, including one with a mask bearing an image of Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, second left, take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
Anti-austerity protesters listen to speakers as they take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Po...
An anti-austerity protester wearing a pig mask takes part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portuga...
People burn a picture of German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a protest against her visit to Portugal outside Lisbon's Belem Cultural Center where Merkel was participating in a business conference attended by leading German and Portuguese comp...
People stick trade union poster calling for a general strike, on upcoming Wednesday Nov. 14, against government austerity measures, right, beside another poster reading: ''Youth unstable'', in Pamplona, northern Spain, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. (AP...
A protestor throws a stone at a truck at the main entrance of Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested...
Trade Union members take breakfast early in the morning outside a factory during a general strike against government austerity measures in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
Police arrest a protestor during a general strike, in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for minor injuries in disturbances as a general strike in...
Police arrest a protestor during a general strike, in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for minor injuries in disturbances as a general strike in...
Police arrest a protestor during a general strike, in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for minor injuries in disturbances as a general strike in...
Riot policemen run after demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Demonstrators throw projectiles to riot policemen during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wedn...
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Riot policemen march in front of demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Thousands of people took to the streets of major cities including Mil...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators throw projectiles to riot policemen during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wedn...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Demonstrators throw projectiles to riot policemen during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wedn...
Rio policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
A protestor shouts as a couple eat inside a open restaurant during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to p...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Riot policemen march in front of demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Thousands of people took to the streets of major cities including Mil...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Demonstrators shout against police after they are blocked near Gran Via street during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being obser...
Riot police arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ene...
Protesters chant slogans during a union protest in Thessaloniki, Greece, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spending cuts Wednesday with a stri...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Demonstrators clash with policemen in riot gear during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and...
Demonstrators clash with policemen in riot gear during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and...
Worker holds placards reading " , We are all Greek, enough austerity" , during a demonstration against austerity, in Marseille, southern France, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. With rampant unemployment spreading misery in southern Europe and companie...
French people living in Greece shout slogans and hold a banner that reads in Greek and French: ''France Wake Up'' outside the Greek parliament during a protest in Athens, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to pres...
Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government...
A protestor lies on the ground during clashes with riot police in a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all wo...
A man kneels down handcuffed next to police vans after being detained by the police during a general strike in Madrid, Wednesday Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for mino...
A police officer, right, is helped by a colleague after getting hurt during a general strike in Madrid, Wednesday Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for minor injuries in d...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Construction work continues as protesters take part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being trade union members, in London, Wednesday, Nov. 1...
Protesters block traffic on one side of Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being trade union members...
A bus passes as protesters block traffic on one side of Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being tra...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police riots apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile,...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Police riots arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed au...
Police riots arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed au...
Spanish riot policemen stand in a line against the window of a bank during a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have be...
A Spanish riot police officer stands beside posters that read: "14 November, General Strike" calling for a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry o...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Riot police arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed aus...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Demonstrators place stickers on a window at shopping centre calling to general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arr...
Spanish riot police stands in front of a public bus during a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and ...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
Two workers' union members man a piquet at the gate of a garbage processing plant in Lisbon Wednesday night, Nov. 13 2012, at the start of a general strike in Portugal. Workers' unions called a general strike for Nov. 14 to protest the governmen...
Protesters block the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
A protester paints a graffiti to a truck reading "14 Strike" at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general ...
Protesters block the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
A protester throws a stone to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with...
Protesters throw stones to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with si...
A protester throws a stone to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with...
A protester shouts slogans in front of an open shop as police stand guard during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal an...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
A protester shouts slogans during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed austeri...
Protesters shout slogans in front of an open shop as police stand guard during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and ...
A protester marches with his face covered with flyers reading "They leave us without future, Nov. 14 general strike" during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding...
Protesters shout slogans during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed austerity...
Policemen guard a Bankia bank with a graffiti reading ''Assassins" during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greec...
A policeman guards an H&M shop with a graffiti on its front window reading: "Nov. 14 strike" as a man passes by during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with...
A riot policeman stands guard in front of a bank during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest gove...
Protestors shout slogans to stop the buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar w...
Protestors try to stop buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
Protestors try to stop buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
Demonstrators march to the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes dra...
Demonstrators march to the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes dra...
Protesters demonstrate outside the Greek parliament against the new austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes...
The Greek Parliament is seen through a banner during demonstration against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that ...
Demonstrators stand outside the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that include...
Demonstrators stand outside the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that include...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
An anti-austerity protester wearing a pig mask takes part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portuga...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
Anti-austerity protesters, including one with a mask bearing an image of Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, second left, take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
Anti-austerity protesters listen to speakers as they take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Po...
An anti-austerity protester wearing a pig mask takes part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portuga...
People burn a picture of German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a protest against her visit to Portugal outside Lisbon's Belem Cultural Center where Merkel was participating in a business conference attended by leading German and Portuguese comp...
People stick trade union poster calling for a general strike, on upcoming Wednesday Nov. 14, against government austerity measures, right, beside another poster reading: ''Youth unstable'', in Pamplona, northern Spain, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. (AP...
A protestor throws a stone at a truck at the main entrance of Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested...
Trade Union members take breakfast early in the morning outside a factory during a general strike against government austerity measures in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
Police arrest a protestor during a general strike, in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for minor injuries in disturbances as a general strike in...
Riot policemen run after demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Demonstrators throw projectiles to riot policemen during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wedn...
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Riot policemen march in front of demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Thousands of people took to the streets of major cities including Mil...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators throw projectiles to riot policemen during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wedn...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Demonstrators and riot policemen fight during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Demonstrators throw projectiles to riot policemen during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wedn...
Rio policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as an...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
A protestor shouts as a couple eat inside a open restaurant during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to p...
Riot policemen fight with demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Riot police and anti-austerity protesters clashed in Italy on Wednesday as a...
Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Riot policemen march in front of demonstrators during a protest on a day of mobilisation against austerity measures by workers in southern Europe on November 14, 2012 in Rome. Thousands of people took to the streets of major cities including Mil...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Police clash with demonstrators during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spen...
Demonstrators shout against police after they are blocked near Gran Via street during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being obser...
Riot police arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ene...
Protesters chant slogans during a union protest in Thessaloniki, Greece, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government spending cuts Wednesday with a stri...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Demonstrators clash with policemen in riot gear during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and...
Demonstrators clash with policemen in riot gear during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and...
Worker holds placards reading " , We are all Greek, enough austerity" , during a demonstration against austerity, in Marseille, southern France, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. With rampant unemployment spreading misery in southern Europe and companie...
French people living in Greece shout slogans and hold a banner that reads in Greek and French: ''France Wake Up'' outside the Greek parliament during a protest in Athens, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to pres...
Demonstrators clash with riot police during a protest against Italian Government austerity measures in Rome, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Workers across the European Union sought to present a united front against rampant unemployment and government...
A protestor lies on the ground during clashes with riot police in a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all wo...
A man kneels down handcuffed next to police vans after being detained by the police during a general strike in Madrid, Wednesday Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for mino...
A police officer, right, is helped by a colleague after getting hurt during a general strike in Madrid, Wednesday Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for minor injuries in d...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Construction work continues as protesters take part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being trade union members, in London, Wednesday, Nov. 1...
Protesters block traffic on one side of Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being trade union members...
A bus passes as protesters block traffic on one side of Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossrail transport project, for being tra...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police officers try to push protesters back onto the pavement after they blocked traffic on Oxford Street, London, whilst taking part in a picket and demonstration they said was over dismissals of 28 workers employed by contractors on the Crossr...
Police riots apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile,...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Police riots arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed au...
Police riots arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed au...
Spanish riot policemen stand in a line against the window of a bank during a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have be...
A Spanish riot police officer stands beside posters that read: "14 November, General Strike" calling for a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry o...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Riot police arrest a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed aus...
Police clash with protestors during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed auste...
Demonstrators place stickers on a window at shopping centre calling to general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arr...
Spanish riot police stands in front of a public bus during a general strike against government austerity measures, in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and ...
Riot police apprehend a protestor during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's General Workers' Union said the nationwide stoppage, the second this year, was being observed by nearly all workers in the automobile, ...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
Two workers' union members man a piquet at the gate of a garbage processing plant in Lisbon Wednesday night, Nov. 13 2012, at the start of a general strike in Portugal. Workers' unions called a general strike for Nov. 14 to protest the governmen...
Protesters block the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
A protester paints a graffiti to a truck reading "14 Strike" at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general ...
Protesters block the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
A protester throws a stone to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with...
Protesters throw stones to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with si...
A protester throws a stone to a truck at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with...
A protester shouts slogans in front of an open shop as police stand guard during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal an...
Protesters burn tires at the main entrance to Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions will stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work st...
A protester shouts slogans during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed austeri...
Protesters shout slogans in front of an open shop as police stand guard during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and ...
A protester marches with his face covered with flyers reading "They leave us without future, Nov. 14 general strike" during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding...
Protesters shout slogans during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest government-imposed austerity...
Policemen guard a Bankia bank with a graffiti reading ''Assassins" during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greec...
A policeman guards an H&M shop with a graffiti on its front window reading: "Nov. 14 strike" as a man passes by during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with...
A riot policeman stands guard in front of a bank during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages in Portugal and Greece, to protest gove...
Protestors shout slogans to stop the buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar w...
Protestors try to stop buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
Protestors try to stop buses to run as the police stand guard outside a main bus garage during a general strike in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. Spain's main trade unions stage a general strike, coinciding with similar work stoppages ...
Demonstrators march to the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes dra...
Demonstrators march to the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes dra...
Protesters demonstrate outside the Greek parliament against the new austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that includes...
The Greek Parliament is seen through a banner during demonstration against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that ...
Demonstrators stand outside the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that include...
Demonstrators stand outside the Greek Parliament protesting against austerity measures in Athens on November 11, 2012. Thousands of protesters massed outside Greece's parliament Sunday as lawmakers prepared to vote on a 2013 budget that include...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
An anti-austerity protester wearing a pig mask takes part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portuga...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
Anti-austerity protesters, including one with a mask bearing an image of Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, second left, take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City...
Anti-austerity protesters take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Gre...
Anti-austerity protesters listen to speakers as they take part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Po...
An anti-austerity protester wearing a pig mask takes part in what they called 'the Plebs & PIIGS Banquet', a demonstration outside the Lord Mayor's Banquet in the City of London, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. PIIGS is a reference to people from Portuga...
People burn a picture of German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a protest against her visit to Portugal outside Lisbon's Belem Cultural Center where Merkel was participating in a business conference attended by leading German and Portuguese comp...
People stick trade union poster calling for a general strike, on upcoming Wednesday Nov. 14, against government austerity measures, right, beside another poster reading: ''Youth unstable'', in Pamplona, northern Spain, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. (AP...
A protestor throws a stone at a truck at the main entrance of Mercabarna, the biggest wholesale market, during a general strike in Barcelona, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested...
Trade Union members take breakfast early in the morning outside a factory during a general strike against government austerity measures in Pamplona, northern Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Alvaro Barrientos)
Police arrest a protestor during a general strike, in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012. A Spanish Interior Ministry official says 32 people have been arrested and 15 people treated for minor injuries in disturbances as a general strike in...