Dirigentes de la formación de ultraderecha Vox han acudido este sábado a la manifestación que ellos mismos han convocado en Madrid en protesta por la gestión del coronavirus que está haciendo el Gobierno.
En la convocatoria, la formación ultra de Santiago Abascal pedía a sus seguidores que acudieran en coche con banderas de España, algo que han hecho muchos.
En la concentración se ha podido ver a varios líderes del partido ultraderechista, como su secretario general, Javier Ortega Smith, la portavoz en la Asamblea de Madrid, Rocío Monasterio, y la diputada Macarena Olona.
Los tres han acudido a la marcha con mascarilla pero no han respetado la distancia de seguridad. De hecho, han llegado a tocarse entre ellos, como se puede observar en el vídeo.
Manifestación de Vox contra el Gobierno en Madrid
People holding Spanish flags take part on an in-vehicle protest against the Spanish government by Covid-19on May 23, 2020 in Madrid, Spain. Far right wing VOX party has called for in-vehicle protests across Spain against the Spanish government's...
Los dirigentes de Vox Santiago Abascal y Rocío Monasterio, en la marcha contra el Gobierno.
People holding Spanish flags take part on an in-vehicle protest against the Spanish government by Covid-19on May 23, 2020 in Madrid, Spain. Far right wing VOX party has called for in-vehicle protests across Spain against the Spanish government's...
MADRID, SPAIN - MAY 23: Supporters of Far right wing VOX party, holding Spanish flags take part on an in-vehicle protest against the Spanish government's struggle policy against the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on May 23, 2020 in Madrid...
People holding Spanish flags take part on an in-vehicle protest against the Spanish government by Covid-19on May 23, 2020 in Madrid, Spain. Far right wing VOX party has called for in-vehicle protests across Spain against the Spanish government's...
MADRID, SPAIN - MAY 23: Supporters of Far right wing VOX party, holding Spanish flags take part on an in-vehicle protest against the Spanish government's struggle policy against the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on May 23, 2020 in Madrid...