Los sindicatos galos convocan una gran movilización el 18 de octubre por el derecho de huelga
"Los grupos petroleros obtienen enormes beneficios, pero se niegan a responder a las demandas de los trabajadores masivamente movilizados", denuncian las centrales.
En medio de las huelgas de refinerías que están afectando al suministro de las gasolineras francesas y el paro convocado para los trenes, los sindicatos franceses han elevado el tono y han anunciado el próximo martes 18 una “gran movilización interprofesional” en defensa del derecho a la huelga.
Los convocantes han evitado pronunciar el término “huelga general”, aunque han asegurado que será una jornada que “marcará un antes y un después”. Entre los sindicatos promotores de esta movilización, en la que convocan a los asalariados de todos los sectores, figuran la CGT, Force Ouvrière, Solidaires y FSU.
Estas organizaciones protestan por la actitud del Gobierno galo durante el paro de las refinerías, pues condenan la movilización forzosa de trabajadores en esas instalaciones.
De momento, cuatro de las siete refinerías francesas están en una huelga impulsada por la CGT para exigir un incremento salarial del 10%: un 7 % para compensar el efecto de la inflación y un 3% adicional para la redistribución de los beneficios.
TotalEnergies disparó sus beneficios en el primer semestre de 2022 hasta los 10.600 millones de dólares, gracias al aumento del precio del petróleo y del gas por la invasión rusa de Ucrania y las sanciones occidentales a Moscú. “Los grupos petroleros Total y Exxon obtienen enormes beneficios, pero se niegan a responder a las demandas de los trabajadores masivamente movilizados, que exigen compensar la inflación y una mejor distribución de la riqueza, mientras que se reparten miles de millones de euros en dividendos a los accionistas”, declara Catherine Perret, representante sindical de la CGT.
Según datos del Gobierno francés, el porcentaje de gasolineras desabastecidas por culpa de la huelga iniciada el 27 de septiembre ha disminuido levemente en Francia, hasta el 29,1 %. En las regiones más afectadas también ha bajado la incidencia. Así ha sucedido en la región parisina (38,8 %) y los Altos de Francia (31,7 %). En la región Centro-Valle-del Loira, el 41,2 % de las gasolineras estaban afectadas. Algunos medios locales sostienen que ha habido desabastecimiento en la mitad de las estaciones de servicios en algunos casos más puntuales.
La situación es especialmente crítica en la región de París y Altos de Francia, donde aumentan los altercados en las colas. En algunos lugares se han desplegado guardias de seguridad para mantener el orden.
El presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, dijo que esperaba que las gasolineras volvieran a la normalidad a mediados de la próxima semana.
Crisis de combustibles en Francia
Motorists queue for fuel at a gas station in Paris on October 13, 2022, as filling stations across France are low on petrol as a pay-related strike by workers at energy giant TotalEnergies entered its third week despite government pressure to ne...
TOPSHOT - Unionists gather at the Gravenchon-Port-Jerome refinery, owned by US giant Esso-ExxonMobil, on October 12, 2022 in Port-Jerome, Normandy, where fuel depot personnel will be the first to be requisitioned by the government as their strik...
A placard reading "We want to live from our wages" is seen at a closed TotalEnergies oil station in Le Rove near Marseille, southern France, on October 11, 2022. - Around a third of France's service stations were still low on, or out of, petrol ...
VERSAILLES, FRANCE - OCTOBER 10: Signs which read "out of order" is pictured on gasoline pumps at a TotalEnergies gas station in Versailles near Paris, France on October 10, 2022. (Photo by Mustafa Yalcin/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
A CGT Union flag is seen as trade unionists and striking employees gather outside the TotalEnergiesrefinery site, in Donges, western France, on October 12, 2022. - France's Prime Minister announced on October 11, 2022 the requisition of staff to...
A poster reads stock-out is seen in front of a Total Energies gas station in Paris, France, Oct. 6, 2022. (Photo by Gao Jing/Xinhua via Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - OCTOBER 12 : Queues are formed at petrol stations as some petrol pumps have been running dry in France because of a strike from energy workers deliveries on October 12, 2022 in Paris, France. (Photo by Geoffroy Van der Hasselt/A...
CGT Union leader Philippe Martinez (L) speaks with the media as he greets striking workers at The Gravenchon Port-Jerome refinery, owned by US giant Esso-ExxonMobil, at Port-Jerome, northern France on October 12, 2022. - Striking French oil refi...
Motorists queue for fuel at a gas station in Paris on October 13, 2022, as filling stations across France are low on petrol as a pay-related strike by workers at energy giant TotalEnergies entered its third week despite government pressure to ne...
Drivers in cars and motorbikes queue for fuel at a gas station in Paris on October 12, 2022, as filling stations across France are low on petrol as a pay-related strike by workers at energy giant TotalEnergies entered its third week despite gove...
Employees stand at an entrance of the TotalEnergies fuel depot of Mardyck, near Dunkirk, northern France, on October 13, 2022, after essential striking workers were ordered by the French government to return to work. - Unions are seeking pay hik...
Workers and CGT unionists gather at the entrance of Total Energies refinery in La Mede, southern France, on October 11, 2022. - Around a third of France's service stations were still low on, or out of, petrol as strike action at energy giant Tot...
Policemen stand outside the TotalEnergies fuel depot of Mardyck, near Dunkirk, northern France, on October 13, 2022, where essential striking workers were ordered by the French government to return to work. - Unions are seeking pay hikes in resp...
Policemen stand outside the TotalEnergies fuel depot of Mardyck, near Dunkirk, northern France, on October 13, 2022, where essential striking workers were ordered by the French government to return to work. - Unions are seeking pay hikes in resp...
Motorists queue for fuel at a gas station in Paris on October 13, 2022, as filling stations across France are low on petrol as a pay-related strike by workers at energy giant TotalEnergies entered its third week despite government pressure to ne...
Motorists queue for fuel at a gas station in Paris on October 13, 2022, as filling stations across France are low on petrol as a pay-related strike by workers at energy giant TotalEnergies entered its third week despite government pressure to ne...
TOPSHOT - Unionists gather at the Gravenchon-Port-Jerome refinery, owned by US giant Esso-ExxonMobil, on October 12, 2022 in Port-Jerome, Normandy, where fuel depot personnel will be the first to be requisitioned by the government as their strik...
A placard reading "We want to live from our wages" is seen at a closed TotalEnergies oil station in Le Rove near Marseille, southern France, on October 11, 2022. - Around a third of France's service stations were still low on, or out of, petrol ...
VERSAILLES, FRANCE - OCTOBER 10: Signs which read "out of order" is pictured on gasoline pumps at a TotalEnergies gas station in Versailles near Paris, France on October 10, 2022. (Photo by Mustafa Yalcin/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
A CGT Union flag is seen as trade unionists and striking employees gather outside the TotalEnergiesrefinery site, in Donges, western France, on October 12, 2022. - France's Prime Minister announced on October 11, 2022 the requisition of staff to...
PARIS, FRANCE - OCTOBER 12 : Queues are formed at petrol stations as some petrol pumps have been running dry in France because of a strike from energy workers deliveries on October 12, 2022 in Paris, France. (Photo by Geoffroy Van der Hasselt/A...
CGT Union leader Philippe Martinez (L) speaks with the media as he greets striking workers at The Gravenchon Port-Jerome refinery, owned by US giant Esso-ExxonMobil, at Port-Jerome, northern France on October 12, 2022. - Striking French oil refi...
Motorists queue for fuel at a gas station in Paris on October 13, 2022, as filling stations across France are low on petrol as a pay-related strike by workers at energy giant TotalEnergies entered its third week despite government pressure to ne...
Drivers in cars and motorbikes queue for fuel at a gas station in Paris on October 12, 2022, as filling stations across France are low on petrol as a pay-related strike by workers at energy giant TotalEnergies entered its third week despite gove...
Employees stand at an entrance of the TotalEnergies fuel depot of Mardyck, near Dunkirk, northern France, on October 13, 2022, after essential striking workers were ordered by the French government to return to work. - Unions are seeking pay hik...
Workers and CGT unionists gather at the entrance of Total Energies refinery in La Mede, southern France, on October 11, 2022. - Around a third of France's service stations were still low on, or out of, petrol as strike action at energy giant Tot...
Policemen stand outside the TotalEnergies fuel depot of Mardyck, near Dunkirk, northern France, on October 13, 2022, where essential striking workers were ordered by the French government to return to work. - Unions are seeking pay hikes in resp...