El llamado ‘pin parental’, la medida impulsada por Vox en Murcia que permitirá a los padres decidir sobre cualquier materia, charla, taller o actividad a la que pueden asistir sus hijos en el colegio que “afecte a cuestiones morales socialmente controvertidas o sobre sexualidad”, ha generado un intenso debate político, que vuelve a enfrentar a derecha e izquierda.
El Ejecutivo considera que vulnera los derechos fundamentales de los niños, así como de los docentes y ha emitido un requerimiento al Gobierno de Murcia para que retire inmediatamente esta medida.
Pero no son los únicos opinan así. Joaquim Bosch, magistrado y portavoz de Jueces Para La Democracia, fue muy contundente en declaraciones al programa Al Rojo Vivo de LaSexta, presentado por Antonio García Ferreras.
Según Bosch, “vulnera derechos de los menores, especialmente el derecho fundamental a la educación”. El juez considera “comprensible” que se recurra esta medida y recuerda que “los derechos de los menores siempre están por encima de todo, son un interés superior”.
“Algunos padres creen que pueden hacer con sus hijos lo que quieran o confunden sus derechos con los de sus hijos, pero eso no es así”, prosiguió Bosch, quien asegura que los niños tienen “derecho a tener información y una educación sobre relaciones sexuales, respeto a la igualdad y diversidad que sólo se puede dar en los centros educativos de manera adecuada”.
El juez puso un ejemplo: “Imaginemos unos padres que consideran que la homosexualidad es nociva, despreciable, que debe de ser arrinconada, que no puede practicarse. Esto no es un ejemplo de laboratorio, basta echar una ojeada a las redes sociales para ver que hay padres, demasiados, que piensan eso. Y, claro, con el pin parental se impide a los menores a que puedan acceder a una educación integral, igualitaria, basada en valores constitucionales”.
Por todo ello, Bosch considera que esta medida puede ser “contraria al ordenamiento jurídico”.
El propio Bosch ha compartido en su cuenta de Twitter esta reflexión, que en apenas unas horas ha logrado ya miles de retuits y ‘me gusta’, así como más de 40.000 visualizaciones y muchos comentarios.
Activists of women's rights organisation Femen, are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during a protest against a campaign rally of Spanish ...
Activists of women's rights organisation Femen, are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during a protest against a campaign rally of Spanish ...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
An activist of women's rights organisation Femen, is chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on her body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during a protest against a campaign rally of Spanish f...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Activists of women's rights organisation Femen, are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during a protest against a campaign rally of Spanish ...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Spanish police officers arrive to drive out activists of women's rights organisation Femen who are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Spanish police officers arrive to drive out activists of women's rights organisation Femen who are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Activists of women's rights organisation Femen, are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during a protest against a campaign rally of Spanish ...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Spanish police officers arrive to drive out activists of women's rights organisation Femen who are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Spanish police officers arrive to drive out activists of women's rights organisation Femen who are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Activists of women's rights organisation Femen, are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during a protest against a campaign rally of Spanish ...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Activists of women's rights organisation Femen, are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during a protest against a campaign rally of Spanish ...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images
Activists of women's rights organisation Femen, are chained to the gate of Palacio Vistalegre, with the words "against fascist vote" painted on their body, early on October 6, 2019 in Madrid, during a protest against a campaign rally of Spanish ...
OSCAR DEL POZO via Getty Images