"La renuncia me parece una buena noticia porque el papa actual es una persona que ha acaparado el poder", resume Evaristo Villar, sacerdote y portavoz de Redes Cristianas, quien hace un balance negativo de los años de papado de Benedicto XVI y de su predecesor, Juan Pablo II.
"Se decía que Juan Pablo II llenaba estadios y vaciaba templos. Al menos era un gran actor. Benedicto ni siquiera ilusionaba a la gente. Se decía de él que era un intelectual… pero sería un intelectual de cosas de antes", lamenta Villar, quien no confía demasiado en la regeneración de la Iglesia con el cambio de pontífice debido al perfil de los cardenales responsables de la elección.
"Me temo que en ese proceso va a hablar únicamente la jerarquía y va a callar el pueblo", explica. Las razones para que Villar sospeche eso es que los cardenales que van a votar "han sido elegidos a dedo" por el propio Benedicto XVI o por Juan Pablo II, dos pontífices que "han estrangulado por completo el Concilio Vaticano II", convocado por Juan XXIII y que tenía entre otros objetivos renovar la moral de la vida cristiana y adaptar la Iglesia a las necesidades de la nueva época.
"La marcha de Benedicto XVI no supone ningún cuestionamiento de la estructura jerárquica. Deberíamos plantearnos otros sistemas para implicar a los fieles en los procesos de elección del papa, de los cardenales y de los mismos sacerdotes. El pueblo debería tener una participación directa", expresa Baeza.
Tampoco es optimista otro sacerdote del Foro de Curas de Madrid, Jesús López: "La mayoría de obispos que han nombrado Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI y que han llegado a cardenales son conservadores. A partir de ahí, es difícil esperar un papa progresista. Pero puede ser más o menos conservador". Lamenta, además, que los dos últimos papas hayan procurado contener la renovación de la Iglesia: "Han hecho mucho daños porque censurado pensamientos y se han acogido a la parte más conservadora del Vaticano II".
A pesar de todo, Villar cree que, con la llegada de un nuevo papa, la Iglesia debería cambiar de dirección. "Por un lado, debería inaugurar un discurso directo, creativo, que levante entusiasmo y cree expectativas y esperanza en un mundo convulso".
Piensa, además, que el próximo papa debería ser una persona capaz de estar al lado de las personas: "Se necesita una Iglesia que se base en el corazón, que ame a la gente, que esté al lado del parado, del mantero, del hambriento". Villar resalta que eso ya está sucediendo en parte de la institución, pero que el próximo papa debería dejar emerger a esa otra Iglesia porque "todo eso ha estado reprimido por el poder eclesiástico".
En la misma línea apunta Baeza, quien también destaca que los años de Benedicto han sido una continuación de los de Juan Pablo II porque han mantenido "las estructuras tradicionales". "La jerarquía sigue estando muy lejos de la realidad de los pobres. La Iglesia tan anquilosada en el poder de Benedicto XVI no ayuda a extender el mensaje del Evangelio".
López, por su lado, resalta que es contradictorio que la Iglesia sea una institución "dictatorial" con una "jerarquía de arriba hacia abajo". "Nos gustaría verla avanzar", asegura.
La salida de Benedicto XVI en la prensa internacional
Britain's Prince Philip (L) watches as his wife Queen Elizabeth talks with Pope Benedict XVI during an exchange of gifts in the Morning Drawing Room, at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland on September 16, 2010. Pope Benedict XVI...
Pope Benedict XVI receives a picture from US President George W. Bush during a tete-a-tete in the medieval St John's Tower in the Vatican Gardens on June 13, 2008. US President George W. Bush had a special audience with Pope Benedict XVI, who wa...
In this photo released by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI, seated in his studio at the Vatican City, uses an iPad device to light up one of the world's largest electronic Christmas trees in Gubbio, central Italy, Wedn...
VATICAN CITY - MAY 30: Pope Benedict XVI meets Gerry and Kate McCann during his weekly audience at St. Peter's Square, May 30, 2007 in Vatican City. The parents of four-year-old Madeleine McCann discussed the plight of their daughter, who vanish...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time as President following the G...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama meet with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time...
In this photo released by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI, seated in his studio at the Vatican City, uses an iPad device to light up one of the world's largest electronic Christmas tree in Gubbio, central Italy, Wedne...
Pope Benedict XVI clicks on a tablet to send his first twitter message during his weekly general audience on December 12, 2012 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI sent his first Twitter message from a digital tablet on Wednesda...
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
In this photo released by Cubadebate, Pope Benedict XVI, right, meets with Cuba's Fidel Castro in Havana, Cuba, Wednesday March 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Cubadebate)
HAVANA, CUBA - MARCH 29: Pope Benedict XVI meets with former Cuban President Fidel Castro (L) at the Vatican embassy on March 29, 2012 in Havana, Cuba. The Pope is finishing up his first trip to Cuba, fourteen years after Pope John Paul II visi...
(FILES) This recent file picture taken on February 6, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican shows Pope Benedict XVI arriving for the weekly general audience. The Vatican spokesman announced that Pope says he will resign on February 28. AFP PHO...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) and his personal secretary Georg Gaenswein arrive for the weekly general audience on February 06, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty...
Pope Benedict XVI gets up after kneeling for a prayer during his visit at the Roman seminary, in Rome Friday, Feb. 8, 2013. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
In this photo provided by Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI receives a Lazio soccer team's jersey from club's president Claudio Lotito, at the Vatican, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013. (AP Photo/L'Osservatore Romano)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) leads his weekly general audience on January 30, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO,ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI releases a dove from the window of his appartment at the end of his Sunday Angelus prayer in St. Peter's square at the Vatican on January 27, 2013. The Pontiff and youth of the Catholic Action released two doves, symbol of peac...
Pope Benedict XVI arrives to lead the celebration of the Vespers of the Solemnity of the conversion of Saint Paul, in conclusion of the week of prayer for christian unity at the Saint Paul basilica in Rome on January 25, 2013. AFP PHOTO / VINCEN...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 13: Pope Benedict XVI (L) performs a baptism in the Sistine Chapel on January 13, 2013 in Vatican City, Vatican. The Vatican reiterated its opposition to same-sex marriage on January 13, after an Italian court ru...
Pope Benedict XVI welcomes Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene on January 12, 2013 prior to a private audience at Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) talks to Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene on January 12, 2013 during a private audience at Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 12: Pope Benedict XVI meets HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco and HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco during a private audience at his library on January 12, 2013 in Vatican City, Vatican. (Photo by Vatican Pool/Getty ...
Pope Benedict XVI (L) is greeted by Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and his wife Elsa (both not pictured) as he disembarks from a helicopter in Arezzo stadium on the start of a one day pastoral visit on May 13, 2012. The Pope will lead a Holy...
In this photo provided by the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, right, and Pope Benedict XVI meet during an official visit at the Vatican Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012. Premier Mario Monti has met with Pope Benedi...
Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, right, and Pope Benedict XVI meet during an official visit at the Vatican Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Max Rossi, Pool)
Pope Benedict XVI (R) is greeted by Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and his wife Elsa (L) as he disembarks from a helicopter in Arezzo stadium on the start of a one day pastoral visit on May 13, 2012. The Pope will lead a Holy Mass and will a...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 14: Pope Benedict XVI exchanges gifts with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti during a meeting at his private library on January 14, 2012 in Vatican City, Vatican. This is the first time the Pope has received th...
Pope Benedict XVI and German Chancellor Angela Merkel pose for a picture after an oecumenical service at the protestant monastery of St. Augustin in Erfurt, eastern Germany, on September 23, 2011, on the second day of the Pontiff's first state v...
Benedict XVI speaks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, and her husband Joachim Sauer, left, in the house of the German Bishops Conference in Berlin, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. Pope Benedict XVI is on a four-day official visit to his ho...
ALTERNATIVE CROP - German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) looks on as Pope Benedict XVI has his robe blown in the face by the wind after arriving on September 22, 2011 at the Tegel airport in Berlin, where he starts his first state visit to his nat...
FILE - In this Friday, June 6, 2008 file photo, Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi shows one of the gifts he received from Pope Benedict XVI, a pen commemorating St. Peter, on the occasion of their meeting at the Vatican City. Premier Silvio Berl...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama meet with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama exchange gifts with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the ...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (R) meets with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time as President following the G...
British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) bids farewell to Pope Benedict XVI at Birmingham International Airport, England, on September 19, 2010, after a four day visit to Britain by the Pope. Pope Benedict XVI flew out of Britain Sunday after an...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI is escorted by PM David Cameron as heads to board his Alitalia jet to Italy on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. Pope Benedict XVI has conducted the first state visit to the UK by a ...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with British Prime Minister David Cameron at Archbishop's House, in central London, on September 18, 2010. Pope Benedict XVI is 'very calm' and 'no one felt threatened' despite the arrest of six men linked to an alleg...
Pope Benedict XVI strokesa lion cub as he greets circus artists and workers, during an audience he held in the Pope Paul VI hall, at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012. Benedict clapped and watched amused as circus workers flipped, flopped, jug...
Pope Benedict XVI strokes a lion cub as he greets circus artists and workers during an audience he held in the Pope Paul VI hall, at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012. Benedict clapped and watched amused as circus workers flipped, flopped, jug...
Pope Benedict XVI is helped by assistants as he celebrates the Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican on December 31, 2012. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica the mark the end of 2012 at the Vatican on December 31, 2012. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI blesses as arrives for the prayer with the ecumenical christian community of Taize during their European meeting, on December 29, 2012, in St.Peter's square at the Vatican. The Taize community, based in the eastern French villa...
FILE - In this June 28, 2011 file photo, Pope Benedict XVI touches a touchpad to send a tweet for the launch of the Vatican news information portal "www.news.va", at the Vatican. The Vatican said Monday, Dec. 3, 2012, that Pope Benedict XVI will...
FILE - In this Tuesday, March 15, 2011 file photo, the newly elected Maronite Patriarch Bechara el-Rai gestures as he is surrounded by supporters shortly after his election at the Maronite church's seat in Bkirki, northeast of Beirut, Lebanon. P...
Pope Benedict XVI blesses the faithful as he arrives in St. Peter's square to bless the nativity scene at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 31, 2011. The Pontiff marked the end of 2011 with prayers of thanks and said humanity awaits the new year with ...
Pope Benedict XVI delivers his blessing as he arrives for the weekly general audience in the Pope Paul II hall at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
In this photo provided by the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" (to the City and to the World) speech from the central loggia of St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2011. Benedic...
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Christmas Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 24, 2011. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2011, to mark the nativity of Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI hailed Christ's humility, urging the faithful to look beyond the Christmas 'glitter...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) gives the communion to an altar boy as he celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2011, to mark the nativity of Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI hailed Christ's humility, urging the ...
Pope Benedict XVI lights a candle in his private window, at the end of the unveiling ceremony of the crib in St Peter's Square at the Vatican, on December 24, 2011. Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate late Christmas night holy mass at St. Peter's B...
Pope Benedict XVI (C) takes place to lead the Vesper prayer with members of Rome's universities on December 15, 2011 at St Peter's basilica at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) leads the Vesper prayer with members of Rome's universities on December 15, 2011 at St Peter's basilica at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI waves to faithful during his annual prayer at the Immaculate Conception statue at Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps) in Rome on December 8, 2011 on the day dedicated to virgin Mary. Pope Benedict reflected earlier in the day Sole...
FILE - In this July 23, 2010 file photo made available by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI reads the L'Osservatore Romano newspaper in the pontiffs' summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, in the hills overlooking Rome....
Pope Benedict XVI attends his weekly general audience at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010. In background is a bronze sculpture, the Resurrection, by artist Pericle Fazzini. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Pope Benedict XVI delivers the 'urbi et orbi' (to the city and the world) blessing from the balcony of the St Peter' s basilica at Vatican on December 25, 2009. The pontiff urged wealthy nations on Friday to show 'acceptance and welcome' to mig...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - DECEMBER 25: A view of St. Peter's Square during the 'urbi et orbi' blessing (to the city and to the world) held by Pope Benedict XVI from the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica on December 25, 2009 in Vatican City, ...
Grab taken from the Vatican TV shows a woman (R in red) jumping over a barrier towards Pope Benedict XVI (C carrying cross) during Christmas Eve at St Peter's Basilica on December 24, 2009. A woman threw herself at Pope Benedict XVI and dragged ...
Grab taken from the Vatican TV shows French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray being carried away after getting injured as a woman threw herself at Pope Benedict XVI and dragged him to the ground as he entered St Peter's Basilica to celebrate Christmas E...
This handout picture released by The Vatican press office shows Pope Benedict XVI receiving a basketball jersey from former Italian basketball player Meneghin on December 16, 2009 after his weekly general audience at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO RES...
Pope Benedict XVI looks at a gift offered by Vietnam's President Nguyen Minh Triet (L) during their meeting in his private library at the Vatican on December 11, 2009. AFP PHOTO / CHRISTOPHE SIMON (Photo credit should read CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) exchanges presents with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremlin an...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) greets Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremlin announced afterMedv...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) exchanges presents with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (C) during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremli...
Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner poses with Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican on November 28, 2009. AFP PHOTO / POOL / OSSERVATORE ROMANO (Photo credit should read OSSERVATORE ROMANO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI receives Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on November 28, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. The Pope held audience with the president and Chile's President Michelle Bachele...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 23: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah at his library on November 23, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Sheikh Sabah is one of eight world leaders meeting with Pope Benedi...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 23: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah and his delegation at his library on November 23, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Sheikh Sabah is one of eight world leaders meeti...
Pope Benedict XVI delivers a speech prior to his departure at Birmingham International Airport, on September 19, 2010. The first state visit of a pope to Britain -- his predecessor John Paul II made a 'pastoral visit' in 1982 -- began in Scotlan...
British Prime Minister David Cameron (4thL) listens to Pope Benedict XVI (C) prior to his departure, at Birmingham International Airport, on September 19, 2010. The first state visit of a pope to Britain -- his predecessor John Paul II made a 'p...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI's attends Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. On the last day of Pope Benedict XVI's state visit the Pont...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI shakes hands as he leaves Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, where he met with the Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales, on September 19, 2010 in Bi...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI introduces British Prime Minister David Cameron to members of the clergy at a departure ceremony on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. Pope Benedict XVI has conducted the first state...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI waves as he leaves Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, where he met with the Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales, on September 19, 2010 in Birmingha...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican, 13 March 2007. Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Italy for his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and ta...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican, 13 March 2007. Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Italy for his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and ta...
Pope Benedict XVI meets with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican, 20 December 2007. The visit comes amid a media frenzy in France over Sarkozy's reported romance with singer and ex-model Carla Bruni, just tw...
Pope Benedict XVI meets with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican, 20 December 2007. The visit comes amid a media frenzy in France over Sarkozy's reported romance with singer and ex-model Carla Bruni, just tw...
(FILES) A picture taken on December 20, 2007 shows Pope Benedict XVI shaking hands with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican. Nicolas Sarkozy will make a visit on October 8, 2010 at the Vatican to meet pope B...
Pope Benedict XVI (2nd L) prays during a mass in a parish of 'Santa Maria del Rosario ai Martiri Portuensi' in the outskirts of Rome, 16 December 2007. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) wears his vest during a pastoral visit to the parish of 'Santa Maria del Rosario ai Martiri Portuensi' in the outskirts of Rome, 16 December 2007. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Ge...
VATICAN CITY, ITALY - NOVEMBER 30: Pope Benedict XVI signs his second encyclical of his pontificate November 30, 2007 in Vatican City. The 70-page encyclical is titled in Latin 'Spe Salvi facti sumus' (In Hope We Are Saved). (Photo by L'Osser...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by ...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by F...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by ...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims on St Peter's square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 28 December 2005. The pontiff prayed for the victims of last year's Asian earthquake and tsunami, which ...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI wearing a Camauro, a red velvet hat with white ermine trim used by popes in the 12th century, kisses a baby as he arrives on St Peter's square at the Vatican to preside over his weekly general...
ITALY - DECEMBER 25: It was Benedict's first Christmas 'urbi et Orbi' message - Latin for 'to the city and to the world', and he continued the tradition of Pope John Paul II by using the speech to review conditions around the world and lament t...
VATICAN, Vatican: Pope benedict XVI lights a peace candle at the window of his private apartment at the Vatican City, 24 December 2005, before celebrating midnight Mass. AFP PHOTO / Vincenzo PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP...
Rome, ITALY: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a child as he leaves Santa Maria Consolatrice church in Rome, 18 December 2005. The pontiff made his first pastoral visit, to a Rome parish. AFP PHOTO / PATRICK HERTZOG (Photo credit should read PATRICK H...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a baby on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 21 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI holds a gift during during a special audience for an Austrian delegation at the Vatican, 17 December 2005. The Christmas tree, a donation from Austria, will later be lit on St-Peter's square. ...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a baby on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 14 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 14 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Vatican City, Vatican: TO GO WITH STORY IN FRENCH - 'Benoit XVI, le pape deconcertant' - (FILES) Picture taken 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City of Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, waving to crowd from the window of St Pet...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 7: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a child as the faithful gather in St. Peter's Square as he arrives for his weekly audience on December 7, 2005 in Vatican City. According to news reports, details of the pontiff's first visit t...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI blesses pilgrims as he arrives in St. Peter's square for his traditional weekly general audience 07 December 2005 at Vatican. The pontiff marks 40 years since the closing of the second Vatican...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI gives a gift to Prince Albert II of Monaco during a private audience 05 December 2005 at the Vatican . The sovereign, 16 days after being crowned head of the tiny principality where Catholicis...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 3: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at his private library December 3, 2005 in Vatican City. Abbas, who is two-day visit to Italy, had a 20 minute audience with the Pontiff. (Photo by...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI blesses the faithfuls 26 November 2005 as he leaves the celebration of the First Vespers on the occasion of the first week of Advent in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican . AFP PHOTO/ ANDRE...
Rome, ITALY: Pope Benedict XVI walks down the stairs as he leaves Sacro Cuore Catholic University to deliver a speech for the ceremony of the inauguration of the academic year in Rome, 25 November 2005. AFP PHOTO/ Max ROSSI /POOL (Photo cre...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI is helped by his private secretary Georg Gaenswein (R) and bishop James Harvey prior his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 N...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI smiles as the wind blows his red coat during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 November a document reading that men with...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI smiles as the wind blows his red cape during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 November a document reading that men with...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI (R) talks with Italian Prime Minister Sivio Berlusconi during their meeting November 19, 2005 in Vatican City. This is the first meeting between the two since teh Pope's election. (Photo by Alberto...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI (R) talks with Italian Prime Minister Sivio Berlusconi during their meeting November 19, 2005 in Vatican City. This is the first meeting between the two since teh Pope's election. (Photo by Alberto...
VATICAN CITY-NOVEMBER 17: Pope Benedict XVI exchanges gifts with Israeli President Moshe Katzav during a meeting at his private library, November 17, 2005, in the Vatican City. This is the first visit by an Israeli leader to the Vatican. (Photo...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 16 November 2005. Pope Benedict XVI saluted the 'courageous activities' of the worldwide anti-abortion...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 16 November 2005. Pope Benedict XVI saluted the 'courageous activities' of the worldwide anti-abortion...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 10: Pope Benedict XVI (C) receives a statue of Mother Teresa as a gift from Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha and his wife during a meeting at his private library November 10, 2005 in Vatican City. Prime Minister Beri...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI leaves the Alula Nervi at Vatican at the end of the premiere of the movie 'Giovanni Paolo II' (Pope John Paul II) directed by John Kent Harrison and starring US actor John Voight playing Pope ...
VATICAN CITY, ITALY - NOVEMBER 17: Pope Benedict XVI attends the screening of 'John Paul II' Premiere at the Paul VI Hall on November 17, 2005 in Vatican City, Italy. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI, accompanied by Bishop Piero Marini (L), blesses the altar in St Peter's Square, 23 October 2005, prior a solemn mass toproclaim the canonisation of Polish Archbishop Jozef Bilczewski, (1860-1...
VATICAN CITY- OCTOBER 23: Pilgrims gather for a canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square October 23, 2005 in Vatican City. Pope Benedict XVI named five Catholics on the road to sainthood during the mass, which also ended the General Assembly...
ROME, Italy: TO GO WITH STORY IN FRENCH - 'Benoit XVI, le pape deconcertant' - (FILES) Picture taken 19 October 2005 Pope Benedict XVI arriving in St-Peter's square at the Vatican, to preside over his weekly general audience. AFP PHOTO / PATRI...
VATICAN CITY - OCTOBER 15: Pope Benedict XVI embraces a child at a meeting and prayer with children who made their First Communion during the year in St. Peter's Square October 15, 2005 in Vatican City. About 100,000 children and parents attend...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pilgrims attend at solemn mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter's Square 23 October 2005, to proclaim the canonisation of Polish Archbishop Jozef Bilczewski, (1860-1923), diocesan priest Zygmunt Gor...
ITALY - OCTOBER 22: Pope Benedict XVI attends a concert by the Regensburger Domspatzen boys choir with his brother Georg Ratzinger at the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome, Italy on October 22nd, 2005. (Photo by Eric VANDEVILLE/Gamma-Rapho...
CASTEL GANDOLFO, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 12: Pope Benedict XVI (L) meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan at his summer residence September 12, 2005 in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. King Abdullah II is on an official visit to the area. (Photo by L'Osservat...
CASTEL GANDOLFO, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 12: Pope Benedict XVI (C) meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan and his wife, Queen Rania, at his summer residence September 12, 2005 in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. King Abdullah II is on an official visit to the ...
KERPEN, Germany: Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Sunday's mass at the Marienfeld in Kerpen, 21 August 2005, as part of the World Youth jamboree. The mass at Marienfeld park, expected to be attended by 800,000 Roman Catholics, is the culmination of...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI speaks during a meeting with the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church 22 April 2005 in the Vatican City. The Popewarmly thanked the cardinals telling them he needed their advice and support to complete...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Cardinals applaud Pope Benedict XVI during a meeting with the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church 22 April 2005 in the Vatican City. The Popewarmly thanked the cardinals telling them he needed their advice and support ...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, leads his first mass with all the cardinals in the Sistine Chapel on April 20, 2005 in the Vatican. Pope Benedict announced his first job would be t...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI stands on the balcony and looks outside 20 April 2005 in the Vatican City. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI stands on a balcony at the Vatican 20 April 2005. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by well-wishers. AFP PHOT...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Pope Benedict XVI (L) greets the Doctrine of the Faith group April 20, 2005 at the Vatican. Cardinal Ratzinger was elected the new Pope on April 19. (Photo by Arturo Mari-Pool/Getty Images)
ROME, Italy: Pope Benedict XVI is greeted by a crowd of people as he leaves his residence 20 April 2005 in Rome. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by we...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Pope Benedict XVI (L) greets well-wishers April 20, 2005 in Vatican City. Cardinal Ratzinger was elected the new Pope on April 19. (Photo by Arturo Mari-Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Artu...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Artu...
Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, waves to crowd from the window of St Peter's Basilica's main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. (Photo credit should r...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Art...
Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, appears at the window of St Peter's Basilica's main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. AFP PHOTO THOMAS COEX (Photo cr...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI appears on the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion C...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, appears at the window of the main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. AFP PHOTO PATRICK HERTZOG (Photo...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 19: Newly elected Pope Joseph Ratzinger (L) as Benedetto XVI leaves the Sistine Chapel to appear on the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. The 265th Pope will lead the world's 1...
ROME - APRIL 19: A vendor sells newly printed newspapers announcing the election of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, April 19, 2005 in Rome, Italy. The 265th Pope will lead the world's 1 billion Catholics. (Photo by Mario Tama/Get...
ROME - APRIL 19: A woman reads a newly printed edition of the newspaper L'Osservatore Romano at a newstand announcing the election of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, April 19, 2005 in Rome, Italy. The 265th Pope will lead the worl...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Crowds gather in St. Peter Square to listen to newly elected Pope Benedictae XVI on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion Catholi...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Crowds gather in St. Peter Square to listen to newly elected Pope Benedictae XVI on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion Catholi...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: White smoke is seen from the roof of the Sistine Chapel indicating that the College of Cardinals have elected a new Pope on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. Joseph Ratzinger (C) of Germany now known as Pope Benedict X...
FREISING, GERMANY - 1959: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) The Ratzinger family; Joseph Ratzinger (L-R), mother Maria, father Joseph, sister Maria and brother Georg, are shown prior to their departure from the Bavarian ...
UNDATED - JULY 8, 1951: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) Joseph Ratzinger (2nd R) is shown with his family; brother Georg (2nd L), father Josef (R), sister Maria (L,) and mother Maria on the day of the two brothers' ordi...
FREIBURG IM BREISGAU, GERMANY: A photo taken during the 85th German Catholics Days in Freiburg between 13 and 17 September 1978, shows the Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (C) praying next to Mother Teresa. Ratzinger was elected the 265th pope of the ...
MUNICH, GERMANY: A photo taken in 1943 during World War II shows Joseph Ratzinger as a German Air Force assistant. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City, becoming Pop...
UNDATED - 1938: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) The Ratzinger family from is pictured in 1938 from right to left; father Josef , sister Maria, mother Maria and brothers Georg and Joseph. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was el...
GERMANY - 1955: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) Joseph Ratzinger gives a theology lecture at the University of Freising during the summer semester in 1955. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope April 19, 2005 and ...
FILE - In this 1979 file photo, Pope John Paul II, left, poses with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Munich, who was named on Nov. 25, 1981, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Biblical Commissio...
FILE - In this 1979 file photo, Pope John Paul II, left, poses with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Munich, who was named on Nov. 25, 1981, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Biblical Commissio...
FILE - In this 1979 file photo, Pope John Paul II, left, poses with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Munich, who was named on Nov. 25, 1981, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Biblical Commissio...
RECROP OF VAT114 - In this photo provided by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Mons. Franco Comaldo, a pope aide, left, looks at Pope Benedict XVI as he reads a document in Latin where he announces his resignation, during a meeting of ...
In this photo provided by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI, center, reads a document in Latin where he announces his resignation, during a meeting of Vatican cardinals, at the Vatican, Monday, Feb. 11, 2013. Benedict...
Britain's Prince Philip (L) watches as his wife Queen Elizabeth talks with Pope Benedict XVI during an exchange of gifts in the Morning Drawing Room, at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland on September 16, 2010. Pope Benedict XVI...
Pope Benedict XVI receives a picture from US President George W. Bush during a tete-a-tete in the medieval St John's Tower in the Vatican Gardens on June 13, 2008. US President George W. Bush had a special audience with Pope Benedict XVI, who wa...
In this photo released by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI, seated in his studio at the Vatican City, uses an iPad device to light up one of the world's largest electronic Christmas trees in Gubbio, central Italy, Wedn...
VATICAN CITY - MAY 30: Pope Benedict XVI meets Gerry and Kate McCann during his weekly audience at St. Peter's Square, May 30, 2007 in Vatican City. The parents of four-year-old Madeleine McCann discussed the plight of their daughter, who vanish...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time as President following the G...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama meet with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time...
In this photo released by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI, seated in his studio at the Vatican City, uses an iPad device to light up one of the world's largest electronic Christmas tree in Gubbio, central Italy, Wedne...
Pope Benedict XVI clicks on a tablet to send his first twitter message during his weekly general audience on December 12, 2012 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI sent his first Twitter message from a digital tablet on Wednesda...
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
In this photo released by Cubadebate, Pope Benedict XVI, right, meets with Cuba's Fidel Castro in Havana, Cuba, Wednesday March 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Cubadebate)
HAVANA, CUBA - MARCH 29: Pope Benedict XVI meets with former Cuban President Fidel Castro (L) at the Vatican embassy on March 29, 2012 in Havana, Cuba. The Pope is finishing up his first trip to Cuba, fourteen years after Pope John Paul II visi...
(FILES) This recent file picture taken on February 6, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican shows Pope Benedict XVI arriving for the weekly general audience. The Vatican spokesman announced that Pope says he will resign on February 28. AFP PHO...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) and his personal secretary Georg Gaenswein arrive for the weekly general audience on February 06, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty...
In this photo provided by Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI receives a Lazio soccer team's jersey from club's president Claudio Lotito, at the Vatican, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013. (AP Photo/L'Osservatore Romano)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) leads his weekly general audience on January 30, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO,ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI releases a dove from the window of his appartment at the end of his Sunday Angelus prayer in St. Peter's square at the Vatican on January 27, 2013. The Pontiff and youth of the Catholic Action released two doves, symbol of peac...
Pope Benedict XVI arrives to lead the celebration of the Vespers of the Solemnity of the conversion of Saint Paul, in conclusion of the week of prayer for christian unity at the Saint Paul basilica in Rome on January 25, 2013. AFP PHOTO / VINCEN...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 13: Pope Benedict XVI (L) performs a baptism in the Sistine Chapel on January 13, 2013 in Vatican City, Vatican. The Vatican reiterated its opposition to same-sex marriage on January 13, after an Italian court ru...
Pope Benedict XVI welcomes Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene on January 12, 2013 prior to a private audience at Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) talks to Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene on January 12, 2013 during a private audience at Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 12: Pope Benedict XVI meets HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco and HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco during a private audience at his library on January 12, 2013 in Vatican City, Vatican. (Photo by Vatican Pool/Getty ...
Pope Benedict XVI (L) is greeted by Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and his wife Elsa (both not pictured) as he disembarks from a helicopter in Arezzo stadium on the start of a one day pastoral visit on May 13, 2012. The Pope will lead a Holy...
In this photo provided by the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, right, and Pope Benedict XVI meet during an official visit at the Vatican Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012. Premier Mario Monti has met with Pope Benedi...
Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, right, and Pope Benedict XVI meet during an official visit at the Vatican Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Max Rossi, Pool)
Pope Benedict XVI (R) is greeted by Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and his wife Elsa (L) as he disembarks from a helicopter in Arezzo stadium on the start of a one day pastoral visit on May 13, 2012. The Pope will lead a Holy Mass and will a...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 14: Pope Benedict XVI exchanges gifts with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti during a meeting at his private library on January 14, 2012 in Vatican City, Vatican. This is the first time the Pope has received th...
Pope Benedict XVI and German Chancellor Angela Merkel pose for a picture after an oecumenical service at the protestant monastery of St. Augustin in Erfurt, eastern Germany, on September 23, 2011, on the second day of the Pontiff's first state v...
Benedict XVI speaks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, and her husband Joachim Sauer, left, in the house of the German Bishops Conference in Berlin, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. Pope Benedict XVI is on a four-day official visit to his ho...
ALTERNATIVE CROP - German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) looks on as Pope Benedict XVI has his robe blown in the face by the wind after arriving on September 22, 2011 at the Tegel airport in Berlin, where he starts his first state visit to his nat...
FILE - In this Friday, June 6, 2008 file photo, Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi shows one of the gifts he received from Pope Benedict XVI, a pen commemorating St. Peter, on the occasion of their meeting at the Vatican City. Premier Silvio Berl...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama meet with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama exchange gifts with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the ...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (R) meets with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time as President following the G...
British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) bids farewell to Pope Benedict XVI at Birmingham International Airport, England, on September 19, 2010, after a four day visit to Britain by the Pope. Pope Benedict XVI flew out of Britain Sunday after an...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI is escorted by PM David Cameron as heads to board his Alitalia jet to Italy on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. Pope Benedict XVI has conducted the first state visit to the UK by a ...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with British Prime Minister David Cameron at Archbishop's House, in central London, on September 18, 2010. Pope Benedict XVI is 'very calm' and 'no one felt threatened' despite the arrest of six men linked to an alleg...
Pope Benedict XVI strokesa lion cub as he greets circus artists and workers, during an audience he held in the Pope Paul VI hall, at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012. Benedict clapped and watched amused as circus workers flipped, flopped, jug...
Pope Benedict XVI strokes a lion cub as he greets circus artists and workers during an audience he held in the Pope Paul VI hall, at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012. Benedict clapped and watched amused as circus workers flipped, flopped, jug...
Pope Benedict XVI is helped by assistants as he celebrates the Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican on December 31, 2012. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica the mark the end of 2012 at the Vatican on December 31, 2012. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI blesses as arrives for the prayer with the ecumenical christian community of Taize during their European meeting, on December 29, 2012, in St.Peter's square at the Vatican. The Taize community, based in the eastern French villa...
FILE - In this June 28, 2011 file photo, Pope Benedict XVI touches a touchpad to send a tweet for the launch of the Vatican news information portal "www.news.va", at the Vatican. The Vatican said Monday, Dec. 3, 2012, that Pope Benedict XVI will...
FILE - In this Tuesday, March 15, 2011 file photo, the newly elected Maronite Patriarch Bechara el-Rai gestures as he is surrounded by supporters shortly after his election at the Maronite church's seat in Bkirki, northeast of Beirut, Lebanon. P...
Pope Benedict XVI blesses the faithful as he arrives in St. Peter's square to bless the nativity scene at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 31, 2011. The Pontiff marked the end of 2011 with prayers of thanks and said humanity awaits the new year with ...
Pope Benedict XVI delivers his blessing as he arrives for the weekly general audience in the Pope Paul II hall at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
In this photo provided by the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" (to the City and to the World) speech from the central loggia of St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2011. Benedic...
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2011, to mark the nativity of Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI hailed Christ's humility, urging the faithful to look beyond the Christmas 'glitter...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) gives the communion to an altar boy as he celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2011, to mark the nativity of Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI hailed Christ's humility, urging the ...
Pope Benedict XVI lights a candle in his private window, at the end of the unveiling ceremony of the crib in St Peter's Square at the Vatican, on December 24, 2011. Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate late Christmas night holy mass at St. Peter's B...
Pope Benedict XVI (C) takes place to lead the Vesper prayer with members of Rome's universities on December 15, 2011 at St Peter's basilica at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) leads the Vesper prayer with members of Rome's universities on December 15, 2011 at St Peter's basilica at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI waves to faithful during his annual prayer at the Immaculate Conception statue at Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps) in Rome on December 8, 2011 on the day dedicated to virgin Mary. Pope Benedict reflected earlier in the day Sole...
FILE - In this July 23, 2010 file photo made available by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI reads the L'Osservatore Romano newspaper in the pontiffs' summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, in the hills overlooking Rome....
Pope Benedict XVI attends his weekly general audience at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010. In background is a bronze sculpture, the Resurrection, by artist Pericle Fazzini. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Pope Benedict XVI delivers the 'urbi et orbi' (to the city and the world) blessing from the balcony of the St Peter' s basilica at Vatican on December 25, 2009. The pontiff urged wealthy nations on Friday to show 'acceptance and welcome' to mig...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - DECEMBER 25: A view of St. Peter's Square during the 'urbi et orbi' blessing (to the city and to the world) held by Pope Benedict XVI from the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica on December 25, 2009 in Vatican City, ...
Grab taken from the Vatican TV shows a woman (R in red) jumping over a barrier towards Pope Benedict XVI (C carrying cross) during Christmas Eve at St Peter's Basilica on December 24, 2009. A woman threw herself at Pope Benedict XVI and dragged ...
Grab taken from the Vatican TV shows French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray being carried away after getting injured as a woman threw herself at Pope Benedict XVI and dragged him to the ground as he entered St Peter's Basilica to celebrate Christmas E...
This handout picture released by The Vatican press office shows Pope Benedict XVI receiving a basketball jersey from former Italian basketball player Meneghin on December 16, 2009 after his weekly general audience at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO RES...
Pope Benedict XVI looks at a gift offered by Vietnam's President Nguyen Minh Triet (L) during their meeting in his private library at the Vatican on December 11, 2009. AFP PHOTO / CHRISTOPHE SIMON (Photo credit should read CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) exchanges presents with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremlin an...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) greets Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremlin announced afterMedv...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) exchanges presents with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (C) during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremli...
Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner poses with Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican on November 28, 2009. AFP PHOTO / POOL / OSSERVATORE ROMANO (Photo credit should read OSSERVATORE ROMANO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI receives Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on November 28, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. The Pope held audience with the president and Chile's President Michelle Bachele...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 23: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah at his library on November 23, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Sheikh Sabah is one of eight world leaders meeting with Pope Benedi...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 23: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah and his delegation at his library on November 23, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Sheikh Sabah is one of eight world leaders meeti...
Pope Benedict XVI delivers a speech prior to his departure at Birmingham International Airport, on September 19, 2010. The first state visit of a pope to Britain -- his predecessor John Paul II made a 'pastoral visit' in 1982 -- began in Scotlan...
British Prime Minister David Cameron (4thL) listens to Pope Benedict XVI (C) prior to his departure, at Birmingham International Airport, on September 19, 2010. The first state visit of a pope to Britain -- his predecessor John Paul II made a 'p...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI's attends Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. On the last day of Pope Benedict XVI's state visit the Pont...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI shakes hands as he leaves Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, where he met with the Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales, on September 19, 2010 in Bi...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI introduces British Prime Minister David Cameron to members of the clergy at a departure ceremony on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. Pope Benedict XVI has conducted the first state...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI waves as he leaves Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, where he met with the Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales, on September 19, 2010 in Birmingha...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican, 13 March 2007. Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Italy for his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and ta...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican, 13 March 2007. Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Italy for his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and ta...
Pope Benedict XVI meets with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican, 20 December 2007. The visit comes amid a media frenzy in France over Sarkozy's reported romance with singer and ex-model Carla Bruni, just tw...
Pope Benedict XVI meets with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican, 20 December 2007. The visit comes amid a media frenzy in France over Sarkozy's reported romance with singer and ex-model Carla Bruni, just tw...
(FILES) A picture taken on December 20, 2007 shows Pope Benedict XVI shaking hands with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican. Nicolas Sarkozy will make a visit on October 8, 2010 at the Vatican to meet pope B...
Pope Benedict XVI (2nd L) prays during a mass in a parish of 'Santa Maria del Rosario ai Martiri Portuensi' in the outskirts of Rome, 16 December 2007. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) wears his vest during a pastoral visit to the parish of 'Santa Maria del Rosario ai Martiri Portuensi' in the outskirts of Rome, 16 December 2007. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Ge...
VATICAN CITY, ITALY - NOVEMBER 30: Pope Benedict XVI signs his second encyclical of his pontificate November 30, 2007 in Vatican City. The 70-page encyclical is titled in Latin 'Spe Salvi facti sumus' (In Hope We Are Saved). (Photo by L'Osser...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by ...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by F...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by ...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims on St Peter's square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 28 December 2005. The pontiff prayed for the victims of last year's Asian earthquake and tsunami, which ...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI wearing a Camauro, a red velvet hat with white ermine trim used by popes in the 12th century, kisses a baby as he arrives on St Peter's square at the Vatican to preside over his weekly general...
ITALY - DECEMBER 25: It was Benedict's first Christmas 'urbi et Orbi' message - Latin for 'to the city and to the world', and he continued the tradition of Pope John Paul II by using the speech to review conditions around the world and lament t...
VATICAN, Vatican: Pope benedict XVI lights a peace candle at the window of his private apartment at the Vatican City, 24 December 2005, before celebrating midnight Mass. AFP PHOTO / Vincenzo PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP...
Rome, ITALY: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a child as he leaves Santa Maria Consolatrice church in Rome, 18 December 2005. The pontiff made his first pastoral visit, to a Rome parish. AFP PHOTO / PATRICK HERTZOG (Photo credit should read PATRICK H...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a baby on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 21 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI holds a gift during during a special audience for an Austrian delegation at the Vatican, 17 December 2005. The Christmas tree, a donation from Austria, will later be lit on St-Peter's square. ...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a baby on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 14 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 14 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Vatican City, Vatican: TO GO WITH STORY IN FRENCH - 'Benoit XVI, le pape deconcertant' - (FILES) Picture taken 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City of Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, waving to crowd from the window of St Pet...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 7: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a child as the faithful gather in St. Peter's Square as he arrives for his weekly audience on December 7, 2005 in Vatican City. According to news reports, details of the pontiff's first visit t...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI blesses pilgrims as he arrives in St. Peter's square for his traditional weekly general audience 07 December 2005 at Vatican. The pontiff marks 40 years since the closing of the second Vatican...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI gives a gift to Prince Albert II of Monaco during a private audience 05 December 2005 at the Vatican . The sovereign, 16 days after being crowned head of the tiny principality where Catholicis...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 3: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at his private library December 3, 2005 in Vatican City. Abbas, who is two-day visit to Italy, had a 20 minute audience with the Pontiff. (Photo by...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI blesses the faithfuls 26 November 2005 as he leaves the celebration of the First Vespers on the occasion of the first week of Advent in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican . AFP PHOTO/ ANDRE...
Rome, ITALY: Pope Benedict XVI walks down the stairs as he leaves Sacro Cuore Catholic University to deliver a speech for the ceremony of the inauguration of the academic year in Rome, 25 November 2005. AFP PHOTO/ Max ROSSI /POOL (Photo cre...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI is helped by his private secretary Georg Gaenswein (R) and bishop James Harvey prior his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 N...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI smiles as the wind blows his red coat during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 November a document reading that men with...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI smiles as the wind blows his red cape during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 November a document reading that men with...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI (R) talks with Italian Prime Minister Sivio Berlusconi during their meeting November 19, 2005 in Vatican City. This is the first meeting between the two since teh Pope's election. (Photo by Alberto...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI (R) talks with Italian Prime Minister Sivio Berlusconi during their meeting November 19, 2005 in Vatican City. This is the first meeting between the two since teh Pope's election. (Photo by Alberto...
VATICAN CITY-NOVEMBER 17: Pope Benedict XVI exchanges gifts with Israeli President Moshe Katzav during a meeting at his private library, November 17, 2005, in the Vatican City. This is the first visit by an Israeli leader to the Vatican. (Photo...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 16 November 2005. Pope Benedict XVI saluted the 'courageous activities' of the worldwide anti-abortion...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 16 November 2005. Pope Benedict XVI saluted the 'courageous activities' of the worldwide anti-abortion...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 10: Pope Benedict XVI (C) receives a statue of Mother Teresa as a gift from Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha and his wife during a meeting at his private library November 10, 2005 in Vatican City. Prime Minister Beri...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI leaves the Alula Nervi at Vatican at the end of the premiere of the movie 'Giovanni Paolo II' (Pope John Paul II) directed by John Kent Harrison and starring US actor John Voight playing Pope ...
VATICAN CITY, ITALY - NOVEMBER 17: Pope Benedict XVI attends the screening of 'John Paul II' Premiere at the Paul VI Hall on November 17, 2005 in Vatican City, Italy. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI, accompanied by Bishop Piero Marini (L), blesses the altar in St Peter's Square, 23 October 2005, prior a solemn mass toproclaim the canonisation of Polish Archbishop Jozef Bilczewski, (1860-1...
VATICAN CITY- OCTOBER 23: Pilgrims gather for a canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square October 23, 2005 in Vatican City. Pope Benedict XVI named five Catholics on the road to sainthood during the mass, which also ended the General Assembly...
ROME, Italy: TO GO WITH STORY IN FRENCH - 'Benoit XVI, le pape deconcertant' - (FILES) Picture taken 19 October 2005 Pope Benedict XVI arriving in St-Peter's square at the Vatican, to preside over his weekly general audience. AFP PHOTO / PATRI...
VATICAN CITY - OCTOBER 15: Pope Benedict XVI embraces a child at a meeting and prayer with children who made their First Communion during the year in St. Peter's Square October 15, 2005 in Vatican City. About 100,000 children and parents attend...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pilgrims attend at solemn mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter's Square 23 October 2005, to proclaim the canonisation of Polish Archbishop Jozef Bilczewski, (1860-1923), diocesan priest Zygmunt Gor...
ITALY - OCTOBER 22: Pope Benedict XVI attends a concert by the Regensburger Domspatzen boys choir with his brother Georg Ratzinger at the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome, Italy on October 22nd, 2005. (Photo by Eric VANDEVILLE/Gamma-Rapho...
CASTEL GANDOLFO, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 12: Pope Benedict XVI (L) meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan at his summer residence September 12, 2005 in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. King Abdullah II is on an official visit to the area. (Photo by L'Osservat...
CASTEL GANDOLFO, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 12: Pope Benedict XVI (C) meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan and his wife, Queen Rania, at his summer residence September 12, 2005 in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. King Abdullah II is on an official visit to the ...
KERPEN, Germany: Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Sunday's mass at the Marienfeld in Kerpen, 21 August 2005, as part of the World Youth jamboree. The mass at Marienfeld park, expected to be attended by 800,000 Roman Catholics, is the culmination of...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI speaks during a meeting with the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church 22 April 2005 in the Vatican City. The Popewarmly thanked the cardinals telling them he needed their advice and support to complete...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Cardinals applaud Pope Benedict XVI during a meeting with the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church 22 April 2005 in the Vatican City. The Popewarmly thanked the cardinals telling them he needed their advice and support ...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, leads his first mass with all the cardinals in the Sistine Chapel on April 20, 2005 in the Vatican. Pope Benedict announced his first job would be t...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI stands on the balcony and looks outside 20 April 2005 in the Vatican City. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI stands on a balcony at the Vatican 20 April 2005. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by well-wishers. AFP PHOT...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Pope Benedict XVI (L) greets the Doctrine of the Faith group April 20, 2005 at the Vatican. Cardinal Ratzinger was elected the new Pope on April 19. (Photo by Arturo Mari-Pool/Getty Images)
ROME, Italy: Pope Benedict XVI is greeted by a crowd of people as he leaves his residence 20 April 2005 in Rome. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by we...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Pope Benedict XVI (L) greets well-wishers April 20, 2005 in Vatican City. Cardinal Ratzinger was elected the new Pope on April 19. (Photo by Arturo Mari-Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Artu...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Artu...
Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, waves to crowd from the window of St Peter's Basilica's main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. (Photo credit should r...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Art...
Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, appears at the window of St Peter's Basilica's main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. AFP PHOTO THOMAS COEX (Photo cr...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI appears on the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion C...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, appears at the window of the main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. AFP PHOTO PATRICK HERTZOG (Photo...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 19: Newly elected Pope Joseph Ratzinger (L) as Benedetto XVI leaves the Sistine Chapel to appear on the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. The 265th Pope will lead the world's 1...
ROME - APRIL 19: A vendor sells newly printed newspapers announcing the election of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, April 19, 2005 in Rome, Italy. The 265th Pope will lead the world's 1 billion Catholics. (Photo by Mario Tama/Get...
ROME - APRIL 19: A woman reads a newly printed edition of the newspaper L'Osservatore Romano at a newstand announcing the election of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, April 19, 2005 in Rome, Italy. The 265th Pope will lead the worl...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Crowds gather in St. Peter Square to listen to newly elected Pope Benedictae XVI on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion Catholi...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Crowds gather in St. Peter Square to listen to newly elected Pope Benedictae XVI on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion Catholi...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: White smoke is seen from the roof of the Sistine Chapel indicating that the College of Cardinals have elected a new Pope on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. Joseph Ratzinger (C) of Germany now known as Pope Benedict X...
FREISING, GERMANY - 1959: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) The Ratzinger family; Joseph Ratzinger (L-R), mother Maria, father Joseph, sister Maria and brother Georg, are shown prior to their departure from the Bavarian ...
UNDATED - JULY 8, 1951: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) Joseph Ratzinger (2nd R) is shown with his family; brother Georg (2nd L), father Josef (R), sister Maria (L,) and mother Maria on the day of the two brothers' ordi...
FREIBURG IM BREISGAU, GERMANY: A photo taken during the 85th German Catholics Days in Freiburg between 13 and 17 September 1978, shows the Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (C) praying next to Mother Teresa. Ratzinger was elected the 265th pope of the ...
MUNICH, GERMANY: A photo taken in 1943 during World War II shows Joseph Ratzinger as a German Air Force assistant. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City, becoming Pop...
UNDATED - 1938: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) The Ratzinger family from is pictured in 1938 from right to left; father Josef , sister Maria, mother Maria and brothers Georg and Joseph. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was el...
GERMANY - 1955: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) Joseph Ratzinger gives a theology lecture at the University of Freising during the summer semester in 1955. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope April 19, 2005 and ...
FILE - In this 1979 file photo, Pope John Paul II, left, poses with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Munich, who was named on Nov. 25, 1981, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Biblical Commissio...
RECROP OF VAT114 - In this photo provided by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Mons. Franco Comaldo, a pope aide, left, looks at Pope Benedict XVI as he reads a document in Latin where he announces his resignation, during a meeting of ...
In this photo provided by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI, center, reads a document in Latin where he announces his resignation, during a meeting of Vatican cardinals, at the Vatican, Monday, Feb. 11, 2013. Benedict...
Britain's Prince Philip (L) watches as his wife Queen Elizabeth talks with Pope Benedict XVI during an exchange of gifts in the Morning Drawing Room, at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Scotland on September 16, 2010. Pope Benedict XVI...
Pope Benedict XVI receives a picture from US President George W. Bush during a tete-a-tete in the medieval St John's Tower in the Vatican Gardens on June 13, 2008. US President George W. Bush had a special audience with Pope Benedict XVI, who wa...
In this photo released by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI, seated in his studio at the Vatican City, uses an iPad device to light up one of the world's largest electronic Christmas trees in Gubbio, central Italy, Wedn...
VATICAN CITY - MAY 30: Pope Benedict XVI meets Gerry and Kate McCann during his weekly audience at St. Peter's Square, May 30, 2007 in Vatican City. The parents of four-year-old Madeleine McCann discussed the plight of their daughter, who vanish...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) meets with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time as President following the G...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama meet with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time...
In this photo released by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI, seated in his studio at the Vatican City, uses an iPad device to light up one of the world's largest electronic Christmas tree in Gubbio, central Italy, Wedne...
Pope Benedict XVI clicks on a tablet to send his first twitter message during his weekly general audience on December 12, 2012 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI sent his first Twitter message from a digital tablet on Wednesda...
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY - JUNE 23: Pope Benedict XVI meets outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair in a private audience at his library, on June 23, 2007 in Vatican City. (Photo by L'Osservatore Romano Vatican Pool/Getty Images)
In this photo released by Cubadebate, Pope Benedict XVI, right, meets with Cuba's Fidel Castro in Havana, Cuba, Wednesday March 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Cubadebate)
HAVANA, CUBA - MARCH 29: Pope Benedict XVI meets with former Cuban President Fidel Castro (L) at the Vatican embassy on March 29, 2012 in Havana, Cuba. The Pope is finishing up his first trip to Cuba, fourteen years after Pope John Paul II visi...
(FILES) This recent file picture taken on February 6, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican shows Pope Benedict XVI arriving for the weekly general audience. The Vatican spokesman announced that Pope says he will resign on February 28. AFP PHO...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) and his personal secretary Georg Gaenswein arrive for the weekly general audience on February 06, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty...
In this photo provided by Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI receives a Lazio soccer team's jersey from club's president Claudio Lotito, at the Vatican, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013. (AP Photo/L'Osservatore Romano)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) leads his weekly general audience on January 30, 2013 at the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO,ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI releases a dove from the window of his appartment at the end of his Sunday Angelus prayer in St. Peter's square at the Vatican on January 27, 2013. The Pontiff and youth of the Catholic Action released two doves, symbol of peac...
Pope Benedict XVI arrives to lead the celebration of the Vespers of the Solemnity of the conversion of Saint Paul, in conclusion of the week of prayer for christian unity at the Saint Paul basilica in Rome on January 25, 2013. AFP PHOTO / VINCEN...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 13: Pope Benedict XVI (L) performs a baptism in the Sistine Chapel on January 13, 2013 in Vatican City, Vatican. The Vatican reiterated its opposition to same-sex marriage on January 13, after an Italian court ru...
Pope Benedict XVI welcomes Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene on January 12, 2013 prior to a private audience at Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) talks to Prince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene on January 12, 2013 during a private audience at Vatican. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 12: Pope Benedict XVI meets HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco and HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco during a private audience at his library on January 12, 2013 in Vatican City, Vatican. (Photo by Vatican Pool/Getty ...
Pope Benedict XVI (L) is greeted by Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and his wife Elsa (both not pictured) as he disembarks from a helicopter in Arezzo stadium on the start of a one day pastoral visit on May 13, 2012. The Pope will lead a Holy...
In this photo provided by the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, right, and Pope Benedict XVI meet during an official visit at the Vatican Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012. Premier Mario Monti has met with Pope Benedi...
Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, right, and Pope Benedict XVI meet during an official visit at the Vatican Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Max Rossi, Pool)
Pope Benedict XVI (R) is greeted by Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and his wife Elsa (L) as he disembarks from a helicopter in Arezzo stadium on the start of a one day pastoral visit on May 13, 2012. The Pope will lead a Holy Mass and will a...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JANUARY 14: Pope Benedict XVI exchanges gifts with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti during a meeting at his private library on January 14, 2012 in Vatican City, Vatican. This is the first time the Pope has received th...
Pope Benedict XVI and German Chancellor Angela Merkel pose for a picture after an oecumenical service at the protestant monastery of St. Augustin in Erfurt, eastern Germany, on September 23, 2011, on the second day of the Pontiff's first state v...
Benedict XVI speaks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, and her husband Joachim Sauer, left, in the house of the German Bishops Conference in Berlin, Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. Pope Benedict XVI is on a four-day official visit to his ho...
ALTERNATIVE CROP - German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) looks on as Pope Benedict XVI has his robe blown in the face by the wind after arriving on September 22, 2011 at the Tegel airport in Berlin, where he starts his first state visit to his nat...
FILE - In this Friday, June 6, 2008 file photo, Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi shows one of the gifts he received from Pope Benedict XVI, a pen commemorating St. Peter, on the occasion of their meeting at the Vatican City. Premier Silvio Berl...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama meet with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (L) and First Lady Michelle Obama exchange gifts with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the ...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - JULY 10: US President Barack Obama (R) meets with Pope Benedict XVI in his library at the Vatican on July 10, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Obama was meeting with The Pope for the first time as President following the G...
British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) bids farewell to Pope Benedict XVI at Birmingham International Airport, England, on September 19, 2010, after a four day visit to Britain by the Pope. Pope Benedict XVI flew out of Britain Sunday after an...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI is escorted by PM David Cameron as heads to board his Alitalia jet to Italy on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. Pope Benedict XVI has conducted the first state visit to the UK by a ...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with British Prime Minister David Cameron at Archbishop's House, in central London, on September 18, 2010. Pope Benedict XVI is 'very calm' and 'no one felt threatened' despite the arrest of six men linked to an alleg...
Pope Benedict XVI strokesa lion cub as he greets circus artists and workers, during an audience he held in the Pope Paul VI hall, at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012. Benedict clapped and watched amused as circus workers flipped, flopped, jug...
Pope Benedict XVI strokes a lion cub as he greets circus artists and workers during an audience he held in the Pope Paul VI hall, at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012. Benedict clapped and watched amused as circus workers flipped, flopped, jug...
Pope Benedict XVI is helped by assistants as he celebrates the Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican on December 31, 2012. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the Vespers and Te Deum prayers in Saint Peter's Basilica the mark the end of 2012 at the Vatican on December 31, 2012. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI blesses as arrives for the prayer with the ecumenical christian community of Taize during their European meeting, on December 29, 2012, in St.Peter's square at the Vatican. The Taize community, based in the eastern French villa...
FILE - In this June 28, 2011 file photo, Pope Benedict XVI touches a touchpad to send a tweet for the launch of the Vatican news information portal "www.news.va", at the Vatican. The Vatican said Monday, Dec. 3, 2012, that Pope Benedict XVI will...
FILE - In this Tuesday, March 15, 2011 file photo, the newly elected Maronite Patriarch Bechara el-Rai gestures as he is surrounded by supporters shortly after his election at the Maronite church's seat in Bkirki, northeast of Beirut, Lebanon. P...
Pope Benedict XVI blesses the faithful as he arrives in St. Peter's square to bless the nativity scene at the Vatican, Saturday, Dec. 31, 2011. The Pontiff marked the end of 2011 with prayers of thanks and said humanity awaits the new year with ...
Pope Benedict XVI delivers his blessing as he arrives for the weekly general audience in the Pope Paul II hall at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)
In this photo provided by the Vatican paper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI delivers his "Urbi et Orbi" (to the City and to the World) speech from the central loggia of St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2011. Benedic...
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2011, to mark the nativity of Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI hailed Christ's humility, urging the faithful to look beyond the Christmas 'glitter...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) gives the communion to an altar boy as he celebrates Christmas mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on December 24, 2011, to mark the nativity of Jesus Christ. Pope Benedict XVI hailed Christ's humility, urging the ...
Pope Benedict XVI lights a candle in his private window, at the end of the unveiling ceremony of the crib in St Peter's Square at the Vatican, on December 24, 2011. Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate late Christmas night holy mass at St. Peter's B...
Pope Benedict XVI (C) takes place to lead the Vesper prayer with members of Rome's universities on December 15, 2011 at St Peter's basilica at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) leads the Vesper prayer with members of Rome's universities on December 15, 2011 at St Peter's basilica at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI waves to faithful during his annual prayer at the Immaculate Conception statue at Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps) in Rome on December 8, 2011 on the day dedicated to virgin Mary. Pope Benedict reflected earlier in the day Sole...
FILE - In this July 23, 2010 file photo made available by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI reads the L'Osservatore Romano newspaper in the pontiffs' summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, in the hills overlooking Rome....
Pope Benedict XVI attends his weekly general audience at the Vatican, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010. In background is a bronze sculpture, the Resurrection, by artist Pericle Fazzini. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Pope Benedict XVI delivers the 'urbi et orbi' (to the city and the world) blessing from the balcony of the St Peter' s basilica at Vatican on December 25, 2009. The pontiff urged wealthy nations on Friday to show 'acceptance and welcome' to mig...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - DECEMBER 25: A view of St. Peter's Square during the 'urbi et orbi' blessing (to the city and to the world) held by Pope Benedict XVI from the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica on December 25, 2009 in Vatican City, ...
Grab taken from the Vatican TV shows a woman (R in red) jumping over a barrier towards Pope Benedict XVI (C carrying cross) during Christmas Eve at St Peter's Basilica on December 24, 2009. A woman threw herself at Pope Benedict XVI and dragged ...
Grab taken from the Vatican TV shows French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray being carried away after getting injured as a woman threw herself at Pope Benedict XVI and dragged him to the ground as he entered St Peter's Basilica to celebrate Christmas E...
This handout picture released by The Vatican press office shows Pope Benedict XVI receiving a basketball jersey from former Italian basketball player Meneghin on December 16, 2009 after his weekly general audience at The Vatican. AFP PHOTO RES...
Pope Benedict XVI looks at a gift offered by Vietnam's President Nguyen Minh Triet (L) during their meeting in his private library at the Vatican on December 11, 2009. AFP PHOTO / CHRISTOPHE SIMON (Photo credit should read CHRISTOPHE SIMON/AFP...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) exchanges presents with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremlin an...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) greets Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremlin announced afterMedv...
Pope Benedict XVI (R) exchanges presents with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (C) during an audience at The Vatican on December 3, 2009. Russia and the Vatican have established full diplomatic relations ending longstanding tensions, the Kremli...
Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner poses with Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican on November 28, 2009. AFP PHOTO / POOL / OSSERVATORE ROMANO (Photo credit should read OSSERVATORE ROMANO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI receives Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on November 28, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. The Pope held audience with the president and Chile's President Michelle Bachele...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 23: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah at his library on November 23, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Sheikh Sabah is one of eight world leaders meeting with Pope Benedi...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - NOVEMBER 23: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah and his delegation at his library on November 23, 2009 in Vatican City, Vatican. Sheikh Sabah is one of eight world leaders meeti...
Pope Benedict XVI delivers a speech prior to his departure at Birmingham International Airport, on September 19, 2010. The first state visit of a pope to Britain -- his predecessor John Paul II made a 'pastoral visit' in 1982 -- began in Scotlan...
British Prime Minister David Cameron (4thL) listens to Pope Benedict XVI (C) prior to his departure, at Birmingham International Airport, on September 19, 2010. The first state visit of a pope to Britain -- his predecessor John Paul II made a 'p...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI's attends Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. On the last day of Pope Benedict XVI's state visit the Pont...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI shakes hands as he leaves Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, where he met with the Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales, on September 19, 2010 in Bi...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI introduces British Prime Minister David Cameron to members of the clergy at a departure ceremony on September 19, 2010 in Birmingham, England. Pope Benedict XVI has conducted the first state...
BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI waves as he leaves Oscott College, the home of the Seminary of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, where he met with the Bishops of England, Scotland and Wales, on September 19, 2010 in Birmingha...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican, 13 March 2007. Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Italy for his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and ta...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Russian President Vladimir Putin meets Pope Benedict XVI during a private audience at the Vatican, 13 March 2007. Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Italy for his first meeting with Pope Benedict XVI and ta...
Pope Benedict XVI meets with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican, 20 December 2007. The visit comes amid a media frenzy in France over Sarkozy's reported romance with singer and ex-model Carla Bruni, just tw...
Pope Benedict XVI meets with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican, 20 December 2007. The visit comes amid a media frenzy in France over Sarkozy's reported romance with singer and ex-model Carla Bruni, just tw...
(FILES) A picture taken on December 20, 2007 shows Pope Benedict XVI shaking hands with French president Nicolas Sarkozy during a private audience at the Vatican. Nicolas Sarkozy will make a visit on October 8, 2010 at the Vatican to meet pope B...
Pope Benedict XVI (2nd L) prays during a mass in a parish of 'Santa Maria del Rosario ai Martiri Portuensi' in the outskirts of Rome, 16 December 2007. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Getty Images)
Pope Benedict XVI (C) wears his vest during a pastoral visit to the parish of 'Santa Maria del Rosario ai Martiri Portuensi' in the outskirts of Rome, 16 December 2007. AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Ge...
VATICAN CITY, ITALY - NOVEMBER 30: Pope Benedict XVI signs his second encyclical of his pontificate November 30, 2007 in Vatican City. The 70-page encyclical is titled in Latin 'Spe Salvi facti sumus' (In Hope We Are Saved). (Photo by L'Osser...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by ...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by F...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 28: Pope Benedict XVI arrives in St. Peter's Square for his weekly audience on December 28, 2005 in Vatican City. The Pontif dressed for the second time in the red hat used by Pope John XXIII forty years ago. (Photo by ...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims on St Peter's square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 28 December 2005. The pontiff prayed for the victims of last year's Asian earthquake and tsunami, which ...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI wearing a Camauro, a red velvet hat with white ermine trim used by popes in the 12th century, kisses a baby as he arrives on St Peter's square at the Vatican to preside over his weekly general...
ITALY - DECEMBER 25: It was Benedict's first Christmas 'urbi et Orbi' message - Latin for 'to the city and to the world', and he continued the tradition of Pope John Paul II by using the speech to review conditions around the world and lament t...
VATICAN, Vatican: Pope benedict XVI lights a peace candle at the window of his private apartment at the Vatican City, 24 December 2005, before celebrating midnight Mass. AFP PHOTO / Vincenzo PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP...
Rome, ITALY: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a child as he leaves Santa Maria Consolatrice church in Rome, 18 December 2005. The pontiff made his first pastoral visit, to a Rome parish. AFP PHOTO / PATRICK HERTZOG (Photo credit should read PATRICK H...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a baby on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 21 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / VINCENZO PINTO (Photo credit should read VINCENZO PINTO/AFP/Getty Images)
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI holds a gift during during a special audience for an Austrian delegation at the Vatican, 17 December 2005. The Christmas tree, a donation from Austria, will later be lit on St-Peter's square. ...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a baby on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 14 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 14 December 2005. AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO (Photo credit should read ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP/Getty Images)
Vatican City, Vatican: TO GO WITH STORY IN FRENCH - 'Benoit XVI, le pape deconcertant' - (FILES) Picture taken 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City of Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, waving to crowd from the window of St Pet...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 7: Pope Benedict XVI kisses a child as the faithful gather in St. Peter's Square as he arrives for his weekly audience on December 7, 2005 in Vatican City. According to news reports, details of the pontiff's first visit t...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI blesses pilgrims as he arrives in St. Peter's square for his traditional weekly general audience 07 December 2005 at Vatican. The pontiff marks 40 years since the closing of the second Vatican...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI gives a gift to Prince Albert II of Monaco during a private audience 05 December 2005 at the Vatican . The sovereign, 16 days after being crowned head of the tiny principality where Catholicis...
VATICAN CITY - DECEMBER 3: Pope Benedict XVI (R) meets with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at his private library December 3, 2005 in Vatican City. Abbas, who is two-day visit to Italy, had a 20 minute audience with the Pontiff. (Photo by...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI blesses the faithfuls 26 November 2005 as he leaves the celebration of the First Vespers on the occasion of the first week of Advent in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican . AFP PHOTO/ ANDRE...
Rome, ITALY: Pope Benedict XVI walks down the stairs as he leaves Sacro Cuore Catholic University to deliver a speech for the ceremony of the inauguration of the academic year in Rome, 25 November 2005. AFP PHOTO/ Max ROSSI /POOL (Photo cre...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI is helped by his private secretary Georg Gaenswein (R) and bishop James Harvey prior his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 N...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI smiles as the wind blows his red coat during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 November a document reading that men with...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI smiles as the wind blows his red cape during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican 23 November 2005. The Vatican relaced 22 November a document reading that men with...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI (R) talks with Italian Prime Minister Sivio Berlusconi during their meeting November 19, 2005 in Vatican City. This is the first meeting between the two since teh Pope's election. (Photo by Alberto...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 19: Pope Benedict XVI (R) talks with Italian Prime Minister Sivio Berlusconi during their meeting November 19, 2005 in Vatican City. This is the first meeting between the two since teh Pope's election. (Photo by Alberto...
VATICAN CITY-NOVEMBER 17: Pope Benedict XVI exchanges gifts with Israeli President Moshe Katzav during a meeting at his private library, November 17, 2005, in the Vatican City. This is the first visit by an Israeli leader to the Vatican. (Photo...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 16 November 2005. Pope Benedict XVI saluted the 'courageous activities' of the worldwide anti-abortion...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI greets pilgrims and faithfull on St-Peter square at the Vatican during his weekly general audience, 16 November 2005. Pope Benedict XVI saluted the 'courageous activities' of the worldwide anti-abortion...
VATICAN CITY - NOVEMBER 10: Pope Benedict XVI (C) receives a statue of Mother Teresa as a gift from Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha and his wife during a meeting at his private library November 10, 2005 in Vatican City. Prime Minister Beri...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI leaves the Alula Nervi at Vatican at the end of the premiere of the movie 'Giovanni Paolo II' (Pope John Paul II) directed by John Kent Harrison and starring US actor John Voight playing Pope ...
VATICAN CITY, ITALY - NOVEMBER 17: Pope Benedict XVI attends the screening of 'John Paul II' Premiere at the Paul VI Hall on November 17, 2005 in Vatican City, Italy. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI, accompanied by Bishop Piero Marini (L), blesses the altar in St Peter's Square, 23 October 2005, prior a solemn mass toproclaim the canonisation of Polish Archbishop Jozef Bilczewski, (1860-1...
VATICAN CITY- OCTOBER 23: Pilgrims gather for a canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square October 23, 2005 in Vatican City. Pope Benedict XVI named five Catholics on the road to sainthood during the mass, which also ended the General Assembly...
ROME, Italy: TO GO WITH STORY IN FRENCH - 'Benoit XVI, le pape deconcertant' - (FILES) Picture taken 19 October 2005 Pope Benedict XVI arriving in St-Peter's square at the Vatican, to preside over his weekly general audience. AFP PHOTO / PATRI...
VATICAN CITY - OCTOBER 15: Pope Benedict XVI embraces a child at a meeting and prayer with children who made their First Communion during the year in St. Peter's Square October 15, 2005 in Vatican City. About 100,000 children and parents attend...
Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pilgrims attend at solemn mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI in St Peter's Square 23 October 2005, to proclaim the canonisation of Polish Archbishop Jozef Bilczewski, (1860-1923), diocesan priest Zygmunt Gor...
ITALY - OCTOBER 22: Pope Benedict XVI attends a concert by the Regensburger Domspatzen boys choir with his brother Georg Ratzinger at the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome, Italy on October 22nd, 2005. (Photo by Eric VANDEVILLE/Gamma-Rapho...
CASTEL GANDOLFO, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 12: Pope Benedict XVI (L) meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan at his summer residence September 12, 2005 in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. King Abdullah II is on an official visit to the area. (Photo by L'Osservat...
CASTEL GANDOLFO, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 12: Pope Benedict XVI (C) meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan and his wife, Queen Rania, at his summer residence September 12, 2005 in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. King Abdullah II is on an official visit to the ...
KERPEN, Germany: Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Sunday's mass at the Marienfeld in Kerpen, 21 August 2005, as part of the World Youth jamboree. The mass at Marienfeld park, expected to be attended by 800,000 Roman Catholics, is the culmination of...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI speaks during a meeting with the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church 22 April 2005 in the Vatican City. The Popewarmly thanked the cardinals telling them he needed their advice and support to complete...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Cardinals applaud Pope Benedict XVI during a meeting with the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church 22 April 2005 in the Vatican City. The Popewarmly thanked the cardinals telling them he needed their advice and support ...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, leads his first mass with all the cardinals in the Sistine Chapel on April 20, 2005 in the Vatican. Pope Benedict announced his first job would be t...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI stands on the balcony and looks outside 20 April 2005 in the Vatican City. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI stands on a balcony at the Vatican 20 April 2005. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by well-wishers. AFP PHOT...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Pope Benedict XVI (L) greets the Doctrine of the Faith group April 20, 2005 at the Vatican. Cardinal Ratzinger was elected the new Pope on April 19. (Photo by Arturo Mari-Pool/Getty Images)
ROME, Italy: Pope Benedict XVI is greeted by a crowd of people as he leaves his residence 20 April 2005 in Rome. Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI made his first trip outside the Vatican, to his former apartment in Rome where he was greeted by we...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 20: Pope Benedict XVI (L) greets well-wishers April 20, 2005 in Vatican City. Cardinal Ratzinger was elected the new Pope on April 19. (Photo by Arturo Mari-Pool/Getty Images)
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Artu...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Artu...
Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, waves to crowd from the window of St Peter's Basilica's main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. (Photo credit should r...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany, appears on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican after being elected by the conclave of cardinals, 19 April 2005. AFP PHOTO POOL Osservatore Romano Art...
Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, the new Pope Benedict XVI, appears at the window of St Peter's Basilica's main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. AFP PHOTO THOMAS COEX (Photo cr...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Newly elected Pope Benedict XVI appears on the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion C...
VATICAN CITY, Vatican: Germany's Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, appears at the window of the main balcony after being elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City. AFP PHOTO PATRICK HERTZOG (Photo...
VATICAN CITY, VATICAN - APRIL 19: Newly elected Pope Joseph Ratzinger (L) as Benedetto XVI leaves the Sistine Chapel to appear on the central balcony of St Peter's Basilica April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. The 265th Pope will lead the world's 1...
ROME - APRIL 19: A vendor sells newly printed newspapers announcing the election of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, April 19, 2005 in Rome, Italy. The 265th Pope will lead the world's 1 billion Catholics. (Photo by Mario Tama/Get...
ROME - APRIL 19: A woman reads a newly printed edition of the newspaper L'Osservatore Romano at a newstand announcing the election of Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, April 19, 2005 in Rome, Italy. The 265th Pope will lead the worl...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Crowds gather in St. Peter Square to listen to newly elected Pope Benedictae XVI on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion Catholi...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: Crowds gather in St. Peter Square to listen to newly elected Pope Benedictae XVI on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th Pope and will lead the world's 1 billion Catholi...
VATICAN CITY - APRIL 19: White smoke is seen from the roof of the Sistine Chapel indicating that the College of Cardinals have elected a new Pope on April 19, 2005 in Vatican City. Joseph Ratzinger (C) of Germany now known as Pope Benedict X...
FREISING, GERMANY - 1959: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) The Ratzinger family; Joseph Ratzinger (L-R), mother Maria, father Joseph, sister Maria and brother Georg, are shown prior to their departure from the Bavarian ...
UNDATED - JULY 8, 1951: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) Joseph Ratzinger (2nd R) is shown with his family; brother Georg (2nd L), father Josef (R), sister Maria (L,) and mother Maria on the day of the two brothers' ordi...
FREIBURG IM BREISGAU, GERMANY: A photo taken during the 85th German Catholics Days in Freiburg between 13 and 17 September 1978, shows the Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (C) praying next to Mother Teresa. Ratzinger was elected the 265th pope of the ...
MUNICH, GERMANY: A photo taken in 1943 during World War II shows Joseph Ratzinger as a German Air Force assistant. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the 265th pope of the Roman Catholic Church 19 April 2005 at the Vatican City, becoming Pop...
UNDATED - 1938: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) The Ratzinger family from is pictured in 1938 from right to left; father Josef , sister Maria, mother Maria and brothers Georg and Joseph. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was el...
GERMANY - 1955: (FILE PHOTO) (GERMANY OUT, AUSTRIA OUT, SWITZERLAND OUT) Joseph Ratzinger gives a theology lecture at the University of Freising during the summer semester in 1955. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope April 19, 2005 and ...
FILE - In this 1979 file photo, Pope John Paul II, left, poses with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Munich, who was named on Nov. 25, 1981, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Biblical Commissio...
Rodrigo Carretero es Traffic Editor Manager en 'El HuffPost' y trabaja desde Madrid. Licenciado en Periodismo por la Universidad de Valladolid y Máster en Periodismo por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ha trabajado en 'El Día de Valladolid', en 'El País' y en las radios musicales del grupo Prisa. Puedes contactar con él en rodrigo.carretero@elhuffpost.es