La emotiva imagen de un perro abrazando a su dueña tras el terremoto de México
El fuerte seísmo, de magnitud 7,2, no ha dejado víctimas.
Un fuerte terremoto ha sacudido este viernes el centro de México. El seísmo, de magnitud 7,2, se ha sentido en Ciudad de México y en los estados de Guerrero, Oaxaca y Puebla.
Por el momento no hay víctimas, salvo dos personas fallecidas tras estrellarse un helicóptero en el que viajaban el secretario de Gobernación del país y el gobernador de Oaxaca, que han salido ilesos.
El fuerte terremoto ha dejado escenas de pánico en las calles y también esta tierna imagen, en la que vemos a un perro asustado tras el temblor, de pie y abrazando a la que parece su dueña.

Terremoto en México

People react after an earthquake shook buildings in Mexico City, Mexico February 16, 2018. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

People stand on the street after an earthquake shook buildings in Mexico City, Mexico February 16, 2018. REUTERS/Claudia Daut

People react during a tremor in Mexico City, Mexico February 16, 2018. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

People stand on a street after an earthquake shook buildings in Mexico City, Mexico February 16, 2018. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

People stand on the street after an earthquake shook buildings in Mexico City, Mexico February 16, 2018. REUTERS/Claudia Daut

People react during a tremor in Mexico City, Mexico February 16, 2018. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

People and their dogs remain on a street during a powerful earthquake in Mexico City on February 16, 2018.
Mexico's National Seismological Service put the magnitude of the quake at 7.0, and seismic monitor network Sky Alert said the quake was fe...

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - FEBRUARY 17: People are seen as they wait after the city hit by powerful earthquake with 7.5 magnitude in Mexico City, Mexico on February 17, 2018. (Photo by Manuel Velasquez/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - FEBRUARY 17: People are seen as they wait after the city hit by
powerful earthquake with 7.5 magnitude in Mexico City, Mexico on February 17, 2018. (Photo by Daniel Cardenas/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)